Use of College Facilities by Student & Registered Student Organizations

Administrative Rule
Council: Administrative Services Council
Effective date: 09/21/99

Value Statement

Austin Community College seeks to provide an environment that enhances student life through extra- and co-curricular activities and will make available space for members of the College community, students and student organizations to conduct meetings and activities.

Administrative Rule

The grounds and facilities of Austin Community College are to be used primarily for the educational goals and purposes of the college as set forth by the Board of Trustees.  Such uses, as determined by the Board of Trustees and the President, have priority over any other use of the facilities.

The grounds and facilities of the College shall be made available to members of the College community, including students and their respective registered organizations, when such use does not conflict with normally scheduled activities, the goals and purposes of the College, or any of the policies and procedures of the College.  The requesting student(s) or student organization(s) may be required to pay all expenses incurred by their use of the facilities as reasonably determined by the administration.

To request College facilities for meetings, activities, or events, students or student organizations must submit an Event Request Form to the Student Activities Office at least two weeks prior to the date requested.  The individual requesting space provides pertinent information about the meeting or activity, including nature of the activity, equipment needed, etc.  The Event Request Form is forwarded by the Student Activities Office to the Provost’s Office on the campus that the meeting or activity will be held.  The Provost’s Office determines the availability of space. Should there be a question regarding the appropriateness of the request for space, the Provost makes the final determination whether the event may be held on campus.

If the request is approved, the Event Request Form is signed by the Campus Manager and returned to the Student Activities Office.  The Campus Manager sends a copy to the student or student organization, Campus Police and Maintenance.  If the request is denied, the Campus Manager informs the Student Activities Office, and the Student Activities Office calls the student or student organization advisor or designated representative to explain the reason for denial.

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