ACC values fair election processes that ensure a voter’s right to a secret ballot for Department Chair. This guideline/procedure provides assurance for a fair, secret ballot.
Voting Process
The Election Coordinator shall deliver a ballot and related information to each eligible voter’s home-campus mailbox, along with a plain inter-campus mail envelope and an outer envelope marked Department Chair Election.
Voters, after filling in their ballot, shall seal that ballot into the plain envelopes. Voters shall then insert the plain envelope that contains their ballot into the envelope marked Department Chair Elections, sign this outer envelope across its flap, and print their name below their signature. Finally, voters shall place this ballot, contained within these two envelopes in an inter-campus mail envelope addressed to the EC and deliver it to the home-campus mailbox of the EC by the submission deadline or to the EC at the start of the public meeting where the votes shall be tallied.
Tallying the Vote
At the place and time previously designated by the EC, the votes are to be tallied.
By publicly comparing them to a list of eligible voters, the EC will confirm that each ballot-containing outer envelope has been signed across its flap by an eligible voter and that there are not two or more such envelopes from a single eligible voter.
The EC will then open each outer envelope, confirm that it contains only one inter-campus mail envelope, and place all of the inter-campus mail envelopes into a single pile in a manner that makes it impossible to keep track of what outer envelope was the source of any given inter-campus mail envelope.
The EC will open each of the inter-campus mail envelopes, confirm that no inter-campus mail envelope contains more than a single ballot, and call out the votes as they are tallied. No write-in votes shall be called out or counted.
All the materials from the voting (the outer envelopes, the ballots, the list of voters, and the tally sheet of the ballots) shall be given to the Dean and retained by the Dean for two weeks following the tallying of the votes. Any question or objection to anything about the election must be brought to the attention of the Dean no later than two weeks following the announcement of the results.
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