Internal Mail

Administrative Rule
Council: Academic and Campus Affairs Council
Effective date: 07/16/07

Value Statement

The Austin Community College District values open communication and will, within available resources, facilitate that process.

Administrative Rule

Internal mail is used to conduct the official business of the College, as represented by the organizational hierarchy and officially recognized employee and student organizations.

The College seeks to respect the rights of its faculty and staff to access any and all information communicated through its mail system, while not overloading the system to the detriment of official business.  

General guidelines include:

  1. A schedule of mail pick-up and delivery will be posted in the mail areas.
  2. Designated staff at the campuses and centers will distribute ACC and U.S. mail to the appropriate office/individual mail boxes.
  3. For officially recognized employee and student organizations, representatives will place material in ACC mailboxes, with the exception of the organization’s election materials. Office staff will, if requested by the organization’s president, distribute materials related to call for candidates, notification of election, and results of elections (limited to no more than three distributions).
  4. Requests to distribute external materials (non-college) via mailboxes will be forwarded to the appropriate campus administrator or center supervisor who will either allow the materials to be placed in mailboxes or to place it in a visible area in the mailroom, clearly marked for “optional: pick up if interested.”
  5. Materials in “optional: pick up if interested” areas will be maintained for no less than 10 calendar days.

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