Full-Time Faculty Placement and Advancement

Administrative Rule
Council: Administrative Services Council
Effective date: 12/02/22

Value Statement:

The Austin Community College District (“ACC” or “the College”) will place and advance faculty commensurate with teaching and/or other experience relevant to the mission of the College and the academic needs of programs.

Administrative Rule:

Salaries for the academic year are set forth in the annual faculty salary scale published in the Compensation Information Manual.

  1. Placing faculty on the faculty salary scale is the responsibility of the Human Resources (HR) Compensation Office.
  2. Supporting documentation must be filed with HR by October 1 of each year in order to receive placement credit.
  3. Eligible faculty will be advanced to Level 2, 3, or 4 at the beginning of the next fiscal year. Eligible faculty will be advanced to level 5 upon receipt of a Ph.D. or Ed.D. effective the next semester.
  4. New faculty will be placed no higher than step 15 (corresponding to 15 years of prior experience).
  5. In evaluating experience for faculty:
    • Credit for past full-time teaching will be based on the total number of full-time equivalent years of teaching at previous institutions.
    • Credit for past part-time teaching will be at the rate of one year for each 30 credit hours. If teaching is documented without an exact accounting of the credit hours taught, credit will be given for three credit hours of teaching for a given semester.
    • Faculty will get one-quarter of a year of experience for each three months of related, full-time, salaried work experience.
    • Workforce faculty will get credit for one year of work experience for twelve (12) hours of related workforce education.
  6. Placement Criteria for Full-time Faculty

Education: Must be either in the teaching discipline or in education for it to be considered for salary placement purposes.


If a degree designation is followed by “+” and a number (without a reference to “additional hours of relevant graduate education”), the number refers to years of relevant work experience.

*Workforce: Twelve (12) hours of workforce education may substitute for one year of work experience in workforce placements.

**Master’s: The only Master’s relevant for placement in Health Sciences II is a Master’s in Education, in Education Administration, or in Nursing; a Master’s in PE is not relevant here.

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