Assessment of Instructional Programs

Administrative Rule
Council: Academic and Campus Affairs Council
Effective date: 08/09/12

Value Statement

In accordance with its mission and resources, the Austin Community College District (ACC) is committed to improving student success by enhancing the quality of its instructional programs and services.

ACC is committed to evidence-based evaluation processes that result in continuous improvement of teaching and learning.

ACC is committed to demonstrating effective achievement of its mission.

ACC is committed to ensuring the SACS requirement that faculty have primary responsibility for student learning assessment.

Administrative Rule

1.  Instructional Program Review:

  1. The Instructional Program Review Committee, with input from the Provost, the Vice President of Instruction, and the Vice President for Effectiveness and Accountability, is responsible for developing college-wide instructional program review processes and administering said review and processes. The instructional program review processes shall include:
    1. Guidelines reviewing and revising program self-studies and quality improvement plans;
    2. documentation of progress towards stated goals; and
    3. documentation that program review outcomes relate to the mission of the College.
  2. The Instructional Program Review Committee, with input from the Provost, the Vice President of Instruction, and the Vice President for Effectiveness and Accountability, shall annually evaluate the effectiveness of instructional program review processes.
  3. The Vice President for Effectiveness and Accountability shall produce for the President and the employee associations an annual report on the effectiveness of instructional program review processes and all quality improvement plans. The Provost and/or the Vice President of Instruction shall present to the Board of Trustees an annual report of the review of instructional programs.

2.  Assessment:

  1. The Provost, Vice President of Instruction, instructional deans, and the instructional department chairs are responsible for developing the processes for the assessment of student learning outcomes and other educational competencies and objectives and ensuring that the processes are followed.
  2. The Provost, with input from the Vice President for Effectiveness and Accountability, the Vice President of Instruction, instructional deans, and the instructional department chairs, is responsible for developing and administering the processes for assessing student learning outcomes and other educational competencies. These assessment processes shall include:
    1. Guidelines for reviewing and revising program self-studies and quality improvement plans;
    2. documentation of progress toward stated goals; and
    3. documentation that program review outcomes relate to the mission of the College.
  3. The Vice President for Effectiveness and Accountability, with input from the Provost, the Vice President of Instruction, and the instructional department chairs, shall annually evaluate and document the effectiveness of these processes.
  4. The Provost, the Vice President of Instruction, and the instructional department chairs shall ensure that the results of the assessment activities are used for the improvement of teaching and learning to enhance student success.
  5. The Provost, the Vice President of Instruction, and the Vice President for Effectiveness and Accountability shall provide an annual report to the President on the use of assessment data to improve student success.

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