Course Required for Certain First-Time at Austin Community College (ACC) Students

Administrative Rule
Council: Academic and Campus Affairs Council
Effective date: 04/22/15

Value Statement

The Austin Community College District measures student success through the Student Success goals and employs multiple intervening strategies to help students achieve the goals.

Goal 1: Increase Persistence (term-to-term and fall-to-fall)

Goal 2: Complete Developmental and Adult Education Course progression to Credit Courses

Goal 3: Increase Completion of All Attempted Courses with “C” or Better

Goal 4: Increase Degree/Certificate Gradates and Transfer Rates

Goal 5: Increase Success Equity across All Racial/Ethnic/Gender Income Groups

One such critical intervening strategy is to offer a student success course(s) which will provide the learning framework, strategies, and skills that will help students achieve their educational goals.

Administrative Rule

The goal of the student success course(s) is to provide the knowledge, skills, and engagement students need for a successful transition to college. All first-time at Austin Community College (ACC)students with fewer than 12 SCH of successful college credit are required to attend and complete the course in their first semester at ACC.

The student success course(s) will be offered for semester credit hours (SCH) and count toward the student’s completion of an approved ACC associate degree. Exemptions for students in Level One Workforce Certificate Programs will be delineated in Administrative Rule Guidelines.

Consequences of not completing the course will be a registration hold placed on the student’s record until the requirement is met.

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