Conversion of ACC Alternative Credit Contact Hours (G/P)

Effective date: 02/28/08
  1. The alternative credit courses for which college credit hours can be awarded will be determined by the faculty within the discipline and approved by the appropriate department chair and alternative credit director. The determination will be based on compliance with the SACS Principles of Accreditation section 3.4.8 which follows:
    “The institution awards academic credit for course work taken on a noncredit basis only when there is documentation that the noncredit course work is equivalent to a designated credit experience.”
    Objectives and competencies for each course will be compared for equivalency on a routine basis.  If changes are made in the course through either credit or alternative credit, the equivalency will be reviewed before credit can be awarded.
  2. Once equivalency for alternative credit course(s) and college credit course(s) is determined, the “Conversion Approval of Alternative Credit Contact Hours to College Credit Hours” will be completed, signed by the department chair, the dean for the discipline, and the appropriate alternative credit director.
    The approval form is forwarded to the Director of Admissions and Records, who will add the course(s) to the “Alternative Credit to College Credit Equivalency Guide” and will ensure that the information is distributed to all Admissions and Records personnel.
  3. The student must request college credit for approved alternative credit contact hours by completing the “Student Request for Conversion of Alternative Credit Contact Hours to College Credit Hours” form, which will be available in any College Admissions and Records office, providing official documentation of completion of the alternative credit course(s) to Admissions and Records staff, and paying the appropriate fee.
    The form and official documentation will be forwarded to the Director of Admissions and Records, who will verify that the alternative credit course(s) has been approved for conversion to college credit hours by referring to the “Alternative Credit to College Credit Equivalency Guide”.
    The Director will then notify the student that the college credit hours have been approved and will post college credit hours to the student’s permanent record after the student completes one ACC college credit course.
  4. A designation of “CR”‘ will be entered on the college credit transcript and the designation will not be used in the overall GPA calculations.

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