Value Statement
The Austin Community College District respects the right of individuals to practice the religion of their choice. Officially recognized holy days will be posted in College publications; others will be recognized according to the guidelines noted below.
Administrative Rule
In compliance with Education Code, Section 1. Chapter 51, amended by Section 51.911, Austin Community College permits students to be absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day. “Religious holy day” means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20, Tax Code. The student is permitted to be absent, without penalty, from an examination or from completing an assignment scheduled for that day. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the course instructor(s), in writing, prior to the absence, but no later than the 15th day after the first day of the semester, of the religious holy day(s) that will be missed.
The student must complete required assignments within two (2) calendar days following the religious holy day on which the absence occurred. The instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination.
Any adjunct faculty member desiring time off from scheduled classes for a religious holy day not scheduled in the College calendar will inform the immediate supervisor in writing two weeks prior to the event. Arrangements will be made by the supervisor for a substitute instructor for the class(es) missed at no cost to the original faculty member.
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