Value Statement
The College Student Success Initiative is a college commitment to learning and success for all students. Equity in student success is a hallmark for Austin Community College. The College is committed to enhancing the overall educational experience of students through co-curricular programs that complement the student’s program of studies.
Administrative Rule:
- The College will adhere to guidelines set forth by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) for the administration and supervision of a Student Activities program.
- The College will provide quality social, cultural, intellectual, recreational, and leadership training programs to increase opportunities for the personal growth and development of currently enrolled students.
- To be eligible for membership in an ACC club or organization, students must be registered in college credit classes at the College in the semester in which they want to participate in the club or organization.
- To be eligible to serve as an officer in an ACC club or organization, students must have and maintain a 2.5 grade point average.
- The finances of all College-approved activities shall be under the supervision of the college administration. An internal audit of Student Activities expenditures shall be made each year and reported to the President/CEO.