College Brand: Name, Seal, and Logo Usage

Administrative Rule
Council: Administrative Services Council
Effective date: 10/17/24

Value Statement

The Austin Community College District (“ACC” or “the College”) will strive to be recognized as the preferred gateway to higher education and training within its service area. The College will develop and maintain unique symbols to identify its presence both in the community it serves and in the broader field of higher education.

Administrative Rule

The Vice Chancellor of College Relations & Marketing is responsible for the management of brand policy and shall collaborate with a cross-college brand and marketing committee to review brand standards and shall delegate day-to-day management to the Office of College Relations & Marketing (OCRM).

Brand identity guidelines are available at

College Name Usage

“Austin Community College” is the term used for the higher education institution and its campuses, instruction, programs, services, staff, and students. The full name of “Austin Community College” is to be used on first reference in this context. “ACC” or “the College” may be used on second reference when speaking of Austin Community College.

“Austin Community College District” is the term used for the system by which the higher education institution is organized and governed and its geographic territory. The full name of “Austin Community College District” is to be used on first reference in this context. “ACC” or “the College District” may be used on second reference when speaking of Austin Community College District.

No ACC employee may use the College name in any event, writing, broadcast, or other media presentation advocating or endorsing the sale of a product or service or endorsing a person for any role or office, except for testimonials that clearly come from the individual, not the College, and from which the employee gains no benefit, financial or otherwise. Exceptions to this must have prior written approval of OCRM.

ACC employees engaged in non-college endeavors (endeavors that are not part of or related to fulfilling the mission of the College) may use the name of the College for the purpose of self-identification before the general public only in contexts in which it is clear that they are presenting their own views, not representing or speaking for the College. Exceptions to this must have prior approval of OCRM.

Individuals or entities that contract with the College for goods or services are not permitted to imply an endorsement by the College of their goods or services by virtue of their contract with the College.

College Seal

To maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the ACC seal, it is reserved for use to mark the highest official communications of the College as it signifies authority. This may include but is not limited to legal and official documents, formal academic ceremonies, and official Board actions.

College Seal usage guidelines are available at

College Logos

The College’s logos are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and must be used according to the College’s approved graphic standards. Only the official, approved version(s) of the logos are appropriate for use. OCRM is responsible for establishing and maintaining these graphic standards, reviewing external use of the marks, and providing formal signature approvals for authorized use of ACC logos and stylized wordmarks.

All ACC employees, its registered student organizations, and college independent contractors must use approved college logos and must comply with all elements of the College brand standards and logo use guidelines when using ACC graphical marks. College logos, including the Austin Community College District logo, Riverbats Spirit logo, RB and his likeness, and departmental or office stylized wordmarks, are federally registered trademarks and may not be altered or recreated.

All ACC employees, recognized student organizations, and college independent contractors are responsible for ensuring that the use of ACC graphical marks is consistent with the College brand standards and use guidelines. Unit leaders are responsible for the activities of their department, program, office, or division, e.g., deans are responsible for their areas of study/programs, directors are responsible for their departments.

All communications and items produced for promotional distribution or sale by units of the College must comply with all college licensing policies and brand standards, including the use of an officially licensed vendor.

All communications and items produced for promotional distribution or sale using an official college logo or graphical mark must be approved by OCRM.

  1. Austin Community College District Logo
    The Austin Community College District logo is not to be used in a modified form in any way. All ACC programs, departments, services, offices, or campuses are to use the official District logo. It is to be used in all instances not covered by the College’s seal. Examples of appropriate use include:

    • Publications
    • Advertisements
    • College letterhead
    • Business cards
    • Email signatures
    • Internal correspondence (memos, etc.)
    • Campus, vehicular, and other signage
    • Name tags
    • Merchandise sold on behalf of ACC or using the College’s name and/or likeness
      ACC District Logo usage guidelines are available at
  2. Riverbats Spirit Logo
    With approval of OCRM, the Riverbats spirit (“Riverbats” or “R.B.”) logo can be used for recruitment purposes or by programs, departments, services, and Student Life, as well as registered student organizations across the college community to reflect spirit, pride, and the student/employee experience. It should never be used in place of the College District logo.
    Riverbats Spirit Logo usage guidelines are available at
  3. R.B. Spirit Mark, Name, Likeness, and Mascot Costume
    The R.B. “Spirit Mark,” name, likeness, and costume represent the Austin Community College mascot, and as such can be used for college recruitment, marketing, and community outreach.
    The R.B. Spirit Mark can be used on campuses districtwide to promote school spirit. Use of the mark should constitute more casual uses, such as promotional items (swag and shirts), event banners, etc. The R.B. Spirit Mark should not act as the primary brand, especially when promoting programs and services.

    R.B. Spirit Mark usage guidelines are available at

  4. College Sub-Brands
    Collaboration and community partnerships are essential to the College’s mission. While all college programs, departments, services, offices, or campuses are to use the official District logo, areas of the college with their own unique mission, audience, and goals, may use a sub-brand or unique graphic identity. ACC sub-brands must be approved by the OCRM. Sub-brands include but are not limited to:

    • ACC Foundation
    • ACCTV
    • Bioscience Incubator
    • Cultural Centers
    • Fashion Incubator
    • IMPACT Lab (Advanced Manufacturing Incubator)
    • Make It Center
    • Student Life

Use of Austin Community College Logos by Third Parties

OCRM may authorize a third party’s use of an Austin Community College graphical mark on condition that the authorization is in writing and the third party complies with 1) the requirements of the College Brand Guide, 2) the approved terms and conditions of use as outlined by the College’s standard agreement, 3) use of the College name, and 4) licensing & trademark usage standards, if applicable.

OCRM will maintain a record of all applications for use of Austin Community College graphical marks and relevant approvals.

College legal counsel is responsible for providing direction to college leadership regarding when to take action for unauthorized use of Austin Community College graphical marks.

Co-branding and Corporate Logos

OCRM may approve co-branding a college logo with one or more third-party logos for shared function or activity, such as:

  1. Acknowledgements, sponsorships, and promotions (e.g., in advertising where the College is one of a number of sponsors or supporters of an activity);
  2. Memberships (e.g., where the College is a member of a professional association);
  3. Approved collaborations or joint ventures between the College and another entity.

Licensing & Trademark Usage

The symbols, designs, words, and phrases (slogans) that identify Austin Community College are important components of the institutional brand.

The College name, logos, and official slogans “Riverbats,” “Start Here. Get There.” and “i am acc” are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and must be used according to the College’s approved brand standards. Only the official, approved version(s) of college logos are appropriate for use. OCRM is responsible for establishing and maintaining brand standards, reviewing external use of college graphical marks, and providing formal signature approvals for authorized use of college trademarks.

The name “Austin Community College” and acronym “ACC”, logo and trademarks, wordmarks, slogans and other identifying symbols are the property of the Austin Community College District and are protected by federal and local copyright laws. Commercial use and reproduction without express written permission is strictly prohibited.

Trademark guidelines are available at

College Brand Standards and Brand & Marketing Committee

  1. OCRM is responsible for the day-to-day management of the College’s brand standards and establishing guidelines. The ACC Brand Guide is the official document for all approved Austin Community College graphical marks and the definitive resource for the correct use of college graphical marks and other brand-related matters.
  2. All units of the College, registered student organizations, and college independent contractors are required to comply with all elements of the ACC Brand Guide when using Austin Community College graphical marks. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure the clear and consistent use of visual identifiers for the College.
  3. The cross-college brand & marketing committee is chaired by a representative of OCRM and includes representatives from Enrollment Management, Human Resources, ACC Foundation, Instruction (Credit, Continuing Education, and Adult Education), College and High School Relations, Public Affairs, Faculty Senate, Adjunct Faculty Association, Association of Professional and Technical Employees, Classified Association, Student Government Association, and legal counsel as needed. The committee’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
    1. Ensure alignment of the College’s brand with the college’s mission, strategic directives, and values;
    2. Recommend changes to the College’s brand to the Vice Chancellor of College Relations & Marketing for review and approval by the Chancellor’s Cabinet;
    3. Decide any requested exceptions to the College’s brand standards as requested by OCRM;
    4. Approve substantive updates to the College’s brand standards as recommended by OCRM;
    5. Recommend actions to rectify breaches of the College’s brand standards or to address disputes that don’t rise to the level of involving legal action; and
    6. Guide the prioritization of comprehensive marketing initiatives in support of College Strategic Plan goals.
  4. OCRM is responsible for the day-to-day management of the College brand standards. The office’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
    1. Create, maintain, and update all tools, information, and guidelines necessary for all employees of the College, its registered student organizations, and college independent contractors to correctly use these resources in full compliance with the College brand standards;
    2. Share expertise and provide direction to all employees of the College, its registered student organizations, and college independent contractors endeavoring to correctly follow College brand standards;
    3. Guide the development of new graphical marks for the use in specific campaigns or activities;
    4. Recommend updates to the cross-college brand & marketing committee; and
    5. Maintain a record of all third-party applications for use of the Austin Community College graphical marks and relevant approvals.

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