As required by law, posting of all agendas and revised agendas shall be made at least 72-hours in advance of Board meetings. Agendas shall be posted in the ordinary course of business at least 5 days before the meeting. The posting locations for the agenda shall be in accordance with Texas law, including the Travis County Courthouse and the window of the entrance of the Highland Business Center.
The agenda will also be sent to the Secretary of State, per Texas Government Code § 551.053. In compliance with the statute, the Secretary of State will then post the agenda on the internet. In accordance with Texas Government Code § 551.056, agendas shall also be posted on the College-maintained web page for the Board of Trustees.
In addition, every effort will be made to provide e-mail notification of any revised agenda to the employee association presidents. Appropriate notification will also be made to members of the media who have requested notice of all agendas and revised agendas.
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