Purchasing and Contracts

Administrative Rule
Council: Administrative Services Council
Board Policy Reference: CF, Purchasing and Acquisition
Effective date: 05/07/24

Value Statement

The Austin Community College District (“ACC” or “the College”) seeks to procure goods and services and enter into contracts or agreements in a timely manner and at best value.

The College also seeks to provide opportunities for individual vendors, contractors, historically underutilized businesses and small local vendors to compete for College purchases and contracts in a fair and competitive environment.

Administrative Rule

As a public institution, the College is governed by the laws and regulations that pertain to purchasing in higher education as established by the State of Texas and the Board of Trustees. Goods and services must be obtained in a manner that follows ACC policies and procedures. The Business Services Office (Business Services) is the authorized agent for the College for all non-employment related contracts and agreements. Prior to entering into any contractual relationship on behalf of the College, Business Services shall review all contracts in order to ascertain the financial effect on the College, and to ensure that goods and services are procured in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and ACC policies.

No purchase or contract shall be binding on the College unless entered into in accordance with this rule.

Individual(s) making unauthorized purchases shall be deemed to have entered into a private transaction with the vendor involved and shall be held personally responsible for paying for the transaction. There are civil and criminal consequences for ACC employees who knowingly avoid the competitive bidding requirements prescribed under state law. ACC personnel who attempt to abuse the purchasing process may be subject to disciplinary or legal action, and/or personal liability.

Individuals, groups, or firms providing services to the District shall not begin work before a written agreement is fully executed.

Employees of the District shall not be engaged as contractors.


The responsibility and authority for procurement of goods and services is vested in the Procure to Pay (P2P) department, which operates as part of Business Services. P2P may choose to delegate authority for limited purchases.

P2P is charged with the responsibility of offering a wide range of services that are tailored to the individual needs of the customers. Complete detailed purchasing procedures can be found on the P2P website. The goal of P2P is to support the academic, administrative, and operational activities of the College by maximizing value and providing convenience to end users while complying with state laws and the Board of Trustees’ policies.

Business Services is responsible for overseeing the preparation and execution of contracts and agreements. ACC employees who need to enter into contracts or agreements on behalf of the College must work with Business Services. All contracts and agreements must be approved by the Chancellor or Executive Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration or his or her designee.

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