Value Statement
In keeping with Austin Community College’s “One College” concept, the structure of the ACC external Web site, links within the site, navigational aids, and other site elements shall promote ACC as a diverse yet cohesive educational entity serving the Greater Austin community. The ACC Web site shall have sufficient graphic and navigational continuity to evoke the same “one college” identity evident in other College communications, i.e., print media, publications
Administrative Rule
To ensure that the purposes of the ACC Internet Web site are carried out:
- The Marketing and Public Information Executive, by authority of the President, shall convene a standing Web Site Committee that will monitor the ACC Web site, recommend guidelines that encourage best practices, develop tools and other resources to assist staff and faculty in creating and maintaining Web pages, and recommend other strategies that promote the development of the ACC Web sites. This committee should have broad representation, including administrative and instructional departments, and all employee groups, including administration, professional-technical, full-time faculty, adjunct faculty, and classified staff.
- Acquisition of web-related hardware/software will be the responsibility of the College-wide Technology Committee. Functionality of the ACC Web network will be the responsibility of ACCNET. Maintenance of the College’s internet and intranet Web sites and College-wide web functions (i.e., search engine) is the responsibility of ACCNET Internet Services. Individual departments are responsible for individual department web servers.
- Resolution of content issues resides with the Marketing and Public Information Executive, in consultation with the Web Site committee as needed.
- Resolution of copyright issues resides with the Dean of Instructional Technology/Faculty Development, in consultation with the Associate Vice President of Instructional Resources and Technology and the Executive Vice President for Instructional Affairs as needed.
- For purposes of maintaining a dynamic, current Web site, page maintenance will be the responsibility of designated page owners. Maintenance of the ACC homepage and tier two menus are the responsibility of the Marketing and Public Information Executive and ACCNET Internet Services. Ownership and responsibility for all other pages on the ACC Web site will be designated by the appropriate executive vice president or associate vice president. Page owners will be responsible for page maintenance and will ensure that pages under their control identify the ACC contact person for inquiries, and give the date the page was last updated.
- Procedures related to ACC website design and maintenance will be maintained on the Marketing and College Relations Department web pages.