To provide a process for review of credentials for administrators that may be reassigned or transferred within ACC to a staffing table position.
- When the President or the President’s designee has determined that an administrator will be reassigned or transferred, the Office of Human Resources will formally notify the administrator of the proposed action to be taken.
- HR Compensation will request an updated application and required materials from the administrator in order to determine that the administrator is qualified for the new position and to determine placement and compensation.
HR Compensation will review the position description and administrator’s credentials to ensure that the administrator meets the qualification of the new position. - If the Administrator is being reassigned to a faculty position, the application, transcript and other materials shall be submitted to the Dean for a credentials review by the Department Chair.
- HR Compensation will notify the President or President’s designee of the results of the credentials review.
- If the employee meets the requirements and the transfer/reassignment is approved, HR Compensation will notify the administrator of the personnel action to be taken. HR Compensation will coordinate the necessary paperwork to affect the transfer/reassignment.
- If the employee does not meet the requirements, HR Compensation will notify the President or President’s designee and provide an assessment of the credential review.
- If the recommending official desires that the administrator be reassigned or transferred based upon an exception, the official shall submit a memorandum to HR Compensation outlining the basis for the exception.
Compensation will review the basis for the exception and make a recommendation, in writing, to the President or President’s designee. - The Office of Human Resources will notify the recommending official and the employee of the outcome of the request for an exception. If the transfer or reassignment is approved as an exception, the basis for the transfer/assignment shall be in writing and placed in the employee’s file. HR Compensation will notify the employee, in writing, of the effective start date, title, and compensation and any other necessary details.
- An administrator who is reassigned or transferred to a lower level position that results in a salary decrease shall be provided ninety days (90) notice of the salary reduction/transfer. On the effective date of salary reduction, the employee’s salary will be adjusted to reflect the correct salary for the new position.
- When an administrator is reassigned or transferred, there shall be no reduction in accrued sick or personal leave unless the change is to a faculty position. If the employee moves to a faculty position, the employee shall be paid for all unused vacation at the time of the reassignment.
If the administrator is not approved for reassignment or transfer, the administrator may be terminated in accordance with the College’s Policies.
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