There are special rules that apply to each type of Non-Accrued Paid Leave. Supervisors should consult with the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources when necessary to determine the amount of time to be approved.
I. Administrative Leave
- Administrative leave is paid leave that is granted to an employee when the College is closed due to an administrative decision when conditions disrupt normal College operations (such as power outages, building maintenance, flooding or inclement weather).
- Administrative leave may also be designated when an employee is asked not to report to work by the administration or their supervisor because of, but not limited to, the following reasons: a workplace investigation, inappropriate behavior at work, or to attend mandatory EAP counseling.
II. Bereavement Leave
- Employees are eligible to use up to three (3) paid work days when the death of an immediate family member occurs.
- Immediate family is defined as: spouse, parent, brother, sister, child, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepparent, stepbrother, stepsister or stepchild.
- Employees must notify their supervisor in advance of the expected dates of absence, whenever possible.
- If more than the allotted three (3) work days are needed or if the leave is for someone who is not an immediate family member, the employee must use personal/sick and/or vacation leave, if available.
- If an employee described in II.D. does not have personal/sick and/or vacation leave, the time missed will be treated as unpaid work time for pay reporting purposes.
III. Jury Duty/Court Subpoena Leave
- Employees are eligible to use paid jury duty/court subpoena leave when officially summoned to serve on a jury or subpoenaed to appear in court. An employee on leave without pay is not eligible for jury duty/court subpoena leave.
- An employee is required to submit a copy of the summons notice and a leave of absence request to the immediate supervisor prior to the appearance date.
- An employee must submit to their supervisor a Court Clerk’s slip that documents the actual time of service for jury duty.
- Employees may keep jury duty pay.
IV. Parental Leave
- Employees who have been employed in a full or part-time (50% or more) position for at least six (6) months are eligible for parental leave.
- Employees are eligible to use up to sixty (60) work days of paid parental leave per qualifying event. In the case of multiple events, the total number of paid work days that may be used within a 12-month period shall not exceed 90.
- Eligibility for parental leave begins at the time of the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child.
- Paid parental leave shall run concurrently with FMLA leave when FMLA leave is available. However, employees should not be precluded from taking paid parental leave if they are not eligible for FMLA leave. Upon approval, the parental leave entitlement will be added to the employee’s absence calendar by HR Benefits.
V. Military Leave
- Staffing table employees may take up to fifteen (15) work days of paid military leave per federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) to perform temporary active duty or military training with the Reserve or National Guard units.
- In addition, employees who are members of the Texas National Guard, when called to duty by the Governor because of an emergency, will also be placed on paid military leave and this leave will not count against the 15 work days referred to above.
- Prior written notification of intent to perform the military duty must be submitted to the immediate supervisor and Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. A copy of the official military orders must be provided to the employees’ supervisor and forwarded to the HR Benefits Office.
- Once the documentation is received by HR Benefits, the employee will be able to access paid Military Leave in the time reporting system. A copy of the employee’s military orders will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
- Such leaves of absence shall not be considered a break in service.
- During a declared national emergency, the Chancellor of the College has the option to provide supplemental pay or benefits for ACC employees called to active duty.
VI. Volunteer Firefighters’ and Emergency Medical Services Volunteers’ Leave
- Employees who are volunteer firefighters or emergency medical services volunteers shall be granted a leave of absence with full pay if called upon to respond to an emergency fire or medical situation in the State of Texas.
- An employee must notify their supervisor that they have been asked to respond to an emergency, provide the expected dates of the leave, and produce an active membership card or other form of verification that certifies the employee as an active responding member of a volunteer fire department or emergency medical services organization.
- When approved, the employee must keep the supervisor informed about the status of their leave time and date of return to work.
- An employee who is on Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Volunteers’ Leave shall have all insurance coverage remain in effect for the duration of the leave but is responsible for paying any dependent insurance deductions. The employee is responsible for paying any insurance premiums if in an unpaid status.
VII. Voting Leave
- Employees are encouraged to participate in any local, state or national electoral process.
- Employees who wish to vote during their regularly scheduled working hours may use up to two (2) hours of voting leave per election day.