To earn this microcertificate, you need to obtain badges in the five microcredentials shown. Full-time students are strongly advised to follow the traditional pathway. While DFI microcredentials are designed to be fun and engaging, they are also rigorous and require time to do absorb the content and complete the assignments and capstones. This microcertificate could also convert to credit (ITSC 1309 – Integrated Software Application).
Microcredentials in this Microcertificate:
Intro to Computers & Internet Search
Word Processing
Presentation Software
Data Management
Traditional Pathway
Take one microcredential per session. Finish in three semesters.
Fall Semester
Fall Session #1
Intro to Computers & Internet Search
Fall Session #2
Word Processing
Spring Semester
Spring Session #1
Spring Session #2
Presentation Software
Summer Semester
Summer Session
Data Management
Accelerated Pathway *
Take one microcredential in the first Fall session, and two microcredentials each in the second Fall session and first Spring session. Finish in two semesters.
* Not recommended to full-time students. Contact Student Support Specialist to enroll in more than one microcredential per session.