

A new way of learning at ACC

  • Fast, bite-sized learning, each taking 5 weeks or less *
  • Non-credit, but groups of microcredentials could convert to credit
  • Free to current ACC students, faculty, and staff
  • Competency-based, allowing you to move as fast as you can master the content
  • Support of a digital navigator who provides encouragement and feedback
  • Portable digital badges that can be shared on LinkedIn and with employers

* Microcredentials take an average of 20 – 27 hours to complete the instructional articles and videos, plus you’ll need additional time to do assignments and quizzes. 

Microcredentials Registration
Open for Fall 2024

Explore the Microcredentials by Microcertificate​

Earn Microcertificates that you could display on LinkedIn and show employers. The microcertificates could also convert to credit for qualifed students (those who have transcripts with Austin Community College).

Fundamentals of Computer Skills for Job Readiness Microcertificate

Five microcredentials covering topics such as how computers and the Internet work, and office productivity apps. View Program Map.

Computer monitor eye glasses and potted cactus, with the computer screen showing two word processing documents
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Word Processing

Today, it is essential to know how to use word processing software for work, school, and personal use. Whether you need to write essays, reports, or journals,

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Computer monitor, keys, and a full coffee cup. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a spreadsheet with a pie chart and bar graph.
Digital Fluency & Innovation


Analyze and share important data to build a budget, follow trends, or complete complicated calculations whether for business or personal use. Spreadsheet programs helps users store and sort data that

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Computer monitor, shelf holding a potted plant, and a notebook. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation.
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Presentation Software

Communicate ideas to your audience in a visual, organized, compelling manner, using presentation software. Presentation software helps users structure proposals, data, and findings, add attention-getting animation and

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Computer monitor, articulating lamp, a highlighter, and a pencil cup holding pens and pencils. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a popular data management software.
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Data Management

When you have a lot of data, you need a way to manage it. While you may use Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet software to analyze your data, management tools

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Web Presence Fundamentals Microcertificate

Four microcredentials covering topics such as how to build and customize a website, how to optimize images for web, and how to analyze web performance. View Program Map.

Computer monitor, book shelf holding web design books, cup of coffee, and a pencil. On the computer screen there is a wireframe of a website page.
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Web Builder

Build a website using WordPress. Need a website for school, personal use, or your business? Curious about why so many people around the world use

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Computer monitor showing a graphical representation of Photoshop, depicting using the selection tool. On the wall behind the monitor is a framed photo of the same image that is on the monitor, and on the desk is a camera and photography book.
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Photoshop for Web

Create visually cohesive and optimized images for use on a website or in a presentation. Images are so important when communicating a feeling, idea or

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Computer monitor, two Comic Con tickets, and a shelf holding toy action figure and toy retro robot. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a web building text editor showing HTML and CSS.
Digital Fluency & Innovation


Customize your website with basic HTML and CSS. Use basic code to create a website that supports your unique brand. Crop, edit, and optimize images

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Computer monitor, potted plant and pen. On the side of the monitor there is an anole lizard, and on the screen there are images of web analytic graphics.
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Web Analytics

Analyze how your website is performing. You spent time building your brand, creating your web pages, and ensuring accessibility. Now you need to know if

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Interactive Presentations for Effective Communication Microcertificate

Four microcredentials covering topics such as multimedia presentations, videos and assets for web and social media, and data visualization. View Program Map.

Computer monitor, reusable water bottle, lamp, and pencil. On the computer monitor is a graphic representation of presentation software showing morphing animation.
coming soon

Advanced PowerPoint

Take your presentations to the next level. Utilize advanced PowerPoint techniques to keep your audience engaged and your content memorable. Use animations, transitions, charts, graphics,

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Computer monitor, mic, and cell phone. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a video editing software showing source and preview windows, timeline, and list of assets.
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Interactive Media

Using interactive media in your digital content is a powerful way to engage your online audience and convert them from passive consumers to active participants.

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Computer monitor, halo light on a tripod with a cell phone clipped in, and two lipsticks. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of social media post planning.
coming soon
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Social Media

Social Media is a powerful tool for reaching an audience, but to accomplish your personal or business goals, you’ll need to build a strategy, choose

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Computer monitor, poster of a llama, plate with half eaten cookie, and magnifying glass. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of data analytics showing points on a global map.
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Data Analytics

Today we can easily gather data for everything from sales, to website visits, to social media engagement, but what do we do with all

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Problem Solving with Systems Thinking & Technology Microcertificate

Three microcredentials covering topics such as systems thinking methods, problem solving strategies, and project management. View Program Map.

Computer monitor, globe, and two dice. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a systems map showing relationships.
coming soon
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Systems Thinking

Solving a complex problem requires a wide view. Instead of focusing on a single aspect of a problem, system thinking is investigating all factors that

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Computer monitor, Rubik's cube, and a bookshelf holding books about problem solving and artificial intelligence, with a "thinking cap" on top of the books. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a systems map with arrows and color coding to show relationships.
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Problem Solving with A.I.

Harness the power of AI to streamline tasks, unlock insights, and develop innovative solutions. This microcredential will delve into essential AI concepts, machine learning intricacies,

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Computer monitor, trophy, pen, and whistle. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of project management software.
coming soon
Digital Fluency & Innovation

Project Management

Project management isn’t just about assigning tasks to others. Project management involves planning, organization, identifying resources, and monitoring progress and quality. Project managers also create

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Microcredentials will be offered two ways:


Professors use a specific microcredential to complement their credit course curriculum


Microcredentials will be available for free to current ACC students and employees to take independently

You Can Earn Microcertificates

Take groups of microcredentials to earn one of the four following microcertificates. You will be awarded a portable digital microcertificate that can be shared on LinkedIn and with employers. These microcertificates may also convert to credit.

Fundamentals of Computer Skills
for Job Readiness

To earn this microcertificate, complete these 5 microcredentials:

Digital portable badge for Austin Community College District's Digital Fluency and Innovation Fundamentals of Computer Skills for Job Readiness Microcertificate
  1. Intro to Computers & Internet Search
  2. Word Processing
  3. Spreadsheets
  4. Presentation Slides
  5. Data Management

This microcertificate equates to ITSC-1309 (Integrated Software Applications) 

Web Presence

To earn this microcertificate, complete these 4 microcredentials:

Digital portable badge for Austin Community College District's Digital Fluency and Innovation Web Presence Fundamentals Microcertificate
  1. Web Builder
  2. Photoshop for Web
  4. Web Analytics

This microcertificate equates to ITNW-1337 (Intro to the Internet: Web Development)

Interactive Presentations for
Effective Communication

To earn this microcertificate, complete these 4 microcredentials:

  1. Advanced PowerPoint
  2. Interactive Media
  3. Social Media
  4. Data Analytics

This microcertificate will equate to ITSW-1410 (Intro to Presentation Graphics Software) 

Problem Solving with
Systems Thinking & Technology

To earn this microcertificate, complete these 3 microcredentials:

  1. Systems Thinking
  2. Problem Solving with A.I.
  3. Project Management

This microcertificate will equate to ITSC-2335 (Application Problem Solving Software) 

Microcredentials are fast, free, flexible, and supportive


Unlike a traditional college course, the microcredentials are bite-sized, taking 5 weeks or less to complete


Enrollment is free to current ACC students (some microcredentials may require an additional purchase*)


A dedicated Digital Navigator will grade your work, provide helpful feedback, and answer questions


Learn on your own schedule with these microcredentials, and go as fast as you are able master the content

* Check the Quick Facts section on individual microcredential pages for details

Launch Dates for the 16 QEP Microcredentials

Fall 2022

Web Builder


1st Microcredential!

ACC's first microcredential, Web Builder, was developed, piloted, and launched in 2022. Whew!

Summer 2023

Intro to Computers & Internet Search

Word Processing


Presentation Software

Data Management


Fall 2023



Web Analytics

Spring 2024

Data Analytics

Problem Solving with AI


Fall 2024

Advanced PowerPoint

Interactive Media

Spring 2025

Social Media

Systems Thinking

Project Management


Did you know?

The World Economic Forum predicts 90% of jobs will require digital skills by 2030. ACC recognizes the need to promote equitable academic and career outcomes though digital fluency and professional competencies required by the 21st century workplace.

Register Now!

Spring Microcredential Session #2: 

  • March 31 – May 5