Microcredential Registration

Registration is easy and fast

Microcredentials are available for free to current ACC students, faculty, and staff. Select from the list of available microcredentials, complete the registration form, and you will be enrolled.

If you haven’t already done so, consider attending an online info session. The info session will explain how our microcredentials work and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Scroll down to see available Microcredential sessions

Things to know before taking a Microcredential

Microcredentials are offered in 5-week sessions, and students must start their microcredential within 7 days of the session start date

Each microcredential requires 20–26 hours of instruction time, plus more for completing assignments

Students can reach out to their Digital Navigator at any time if they need assistance

Although registration is free, a few microcredentials require a small purchase to complete (see individual microcredentials for details)

Students can earn a portable digital badge by scoring an 80% or better on all assignments and quizzes, AND an 80% or better on the capstone project

Requirements for Microcredentials

Click on the image below to view requirements by microcredential:

Spring Session #1: February 3 - March 10
Registration ends Wednesday, January 26, at 5:00pm

Fundamentals of Computer Skills for Job Readiness Microcertificate

This microcertificate is awarded after earning badges in the five microcredentials listed below.

Qualified learners* can earn credit (equating to ITSC-1309 Integrated Software Applications) after completing this microcertificate. View Program Map.

*A learner must have an ACC transcript to earn credit

Computer monitor and mouse, magnifying glass, and a lamp. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a search page.

Intro to Computers & Internet Search

Section: MC0001-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 6

Note: Assignments in this microcredential requires word processing knowledge to complete.

Intro to Computers and Internet Search Syllabus

Computer monitor eye glasses and potted cactus, with the computer screen showing two word processing documents

Word Processing

Section: MC0002-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 11
Word Processing Syllabus

Computer monitor, keys, and a full coffee cup. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a spreadsheet with a pie chart and bar graph.


Section: MC0003-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 0
Spreadsheets Syllabus

Computer monitor, keys, and a full coffee cup. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a spreadsheet with a pie chart and bar graph.


Section: MC0003-002-225S | Online | February 3 - March 8 | Seats available: 10
Spreadsheets Syllabus

Computer monitor, shelf holding a potted plant, and a notebook. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation.

Presentation Software

Section: MC0004-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 20
Presentation Software Syllabus

Computer monitor, articulating lamp, a highlighter, and a pencil cup holding pens and pencils. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a popular data management software.

Data Management

Section: MC0005-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 16

Note: This microcredential requires a PC and Microsoft Access to complete. See syllabus for details.

Data Management Syllabus

Web Presence Fundamentals Microcertificate

This microcertificate is awarded after earning badges in the four microcredentials listed below.

Qualified learners* can earn credit (equating to ITNW-1337 Intro to the Internet: Web Development) after completing this microcertificate. View Program Map.

*A learner must have an ACC transcript to earn credit

Computer monitor, book shelf holding web design books, cup of coffee, and a pencil. On the computer screen there is a wireframe of a website page.

Web Builder

Section: MC0006-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 12

Note: This microcredential may require a purchase of a domain name and web hosting to complete. See syllabus for details.

Web Builder Syllabus

Computer monitor showing a graphical representation of Photoshop, depicting using the selection tool. On the wall behind the monitor is a framed photo of the same image that is on the monitor, and on the desk is a camera and photography book.

Photoshop for Web

Section: MC0007-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 20

Important: This microcredential requires Adobe Creative Cloud and also has technical requirements. See syllabus for details.

Photoshop for Web Syllabus

Computer monitor, two Comic Con tickets, and a shelf holding toy action figure and toy retro robot. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a web building text editor showing HTML and CSS.


Section: MC0008-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 17

Note: It is highly recommended that you take Web Builder microcredential prior to taking HTML/CSS.

HTML/CSS Syllabus

Computer monitor, potted plant and pen. On the side of the monitor there is an anole lizard, and on the screen there are images of web analytic graphics.

Web Analytics

Section: MC0009-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 22

Web Analytics Syllabus

Interactive Presentations for Effective Communication Microcertificate

This microcertificate is awarded after earning badges in the four microcredentials listed below.

Qualified learners* can earn credit (equating to ITSW-1440 Intro to Presentation Graphics Software) after completing this microcertificate. View Program Map.

Note: Social Media, will be available in 2025.

*A learner must have an ACC transcript to earn credit

Computer monitor, reusable water bottle, lamp, and pencil. On the computer monitor is a graphic representation of presentation software showing morphing animation.

Advanced PowerPoint

Section: MC0010-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 18

Advanced PowerPoint Syllabus Coming soon

Computer monitor, mic, and cell phone. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a video editing software showing source and preview windows, timeline, and list of assets.

Interactive Media

Section: MC0011-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 19

Interactive Media Syllabus

Computer monitor, poster of a llama, plate with half eaten cookie, and magnifying glass. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of data analytics showing points on a global map.

Data Analytics

Section: MC0013-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 9

Note: Knowledge of Spreadsheets is required for this microcredential.

Data Analytics Syllabus

Problem Solving with Systems Thinking & Technology Microcertificate

This microcertificate is awarded after earning badges in the three microcredentials listed below.

Qualified learners* can earn credit (equating to ITSC-2335 Application Problem Solving Software) after completing this microcertificate. View Program Map.

Note: Systems Thinking and Project Management micorcredentials will be available in 2025.

*A learner must have an ACC transcript to earn credit

Computer monitor, Rubik's cube, and a bookshelf holding books about problem solving and artificial intelligence, with a "thinking cap" on top of the books. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a systems map with arrows and color coding to show relationships.

Problem Solving with AI

Section: MC0015-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 0

Problem Solving with AI Syllabus

Computer monitor, Rubik's cube, and a bookshelf holding books about problem solving and artificial intelligence, with a "thinking cap" on top of the books. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a systems map with arrows and color coding to show relationships.

Problem Solving with AI

Section: MC0015-001-225S | Online | February 3 - March 10 | Seats available: 22

Problem Solving with AI Syllabus

Spring Session #2: March 31 - May 5
Registration ends Wednesday, March 26, at 5:00pm

Fundamentals of Computer Skills for Job Readiness Microcertificate

This microcertificate is awarded after earning badges in the five microcredentials listed below.

Qualified learners* can earn credit (equating to ITSC-1309 Integrated Software Applications) after completing this microcertificate. View Program Map.

*A learner must have an ACC transcript to earn credit

Computer monitor and mouse, magnifying glass, and a lamp. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a search page.

Intro to Computers & Internet Search

Section: MC0001-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 25

Note: Assignments in this microcredential requires word processing knowledge to complete.

Intro to Computers and Internet Search Syllabus

Computer monitor eye glasses and potted cactus, with the computer screen showing two word processing documents

Word Processing

Section: MC0002-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 17
Word Processing Syllabus

Computer monitor, keys, and a full coffee cup. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a spreadsheet with a pie chart and bar graph.


Section: MC0003-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 18
Spreadsheets Syllabus

Computer monitor, shelf holding a potted plant, and a notebook. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation.

Presentation Software

Section: MC0004-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 23
Presentation Software Syllabus

Computer monitor, articulating lamp, a highlighter, and a pencil cup holding pens and pencils. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a popular data management software.

Data Management

Section: MC0005-002-225S | Online | FMarch 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 22

Note: This microcredential requires a PC and Microsoft Access to complete. See syllabus for details.

Data Management Syllabus

Web Presence Fundamentals Microcertificate

This microcertificate is awarded after earning badges in the four microcredentials listed below.

Qualified learners* can earn credit (equating to ITNW-1337 Intro to the Internet: Web Development) after completing this microcertificate. View Program Map.

*A learner must have an ACC transcript to earn credit

Computer monitor, book shelf holding web design books, cup of coffee, and a pencil. On the computer screen there is a wireframe of a website page.

Web Builder

Section: MC0006-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 22

Note: This microcredential may require a purchase of a domain name and web hosting to complete. See syllabus for details.

Web Builder Syllabus

Computer monitor showing a graphical representation of Photoshop, depicting using the selection tool. On the wall behind the monitor is a framed photo of the same image that is on the monitor, and on the desk is a camera and photography book.

Photoshop for Web

Section: MC0007-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 21

Important: This microcredential requires Adobe Creative Cloud and also has technical requirements. See syllabus for details.

Photoshop for Web Syllabus

Computer monitor, two Comic Con tickets, and a shelf holding toy action figure and toy retro robot. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a web building text editor showing HTML and CSS.


Section: MC0008-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 25

Note: It is highly recommended that you take Web Builder microcredential prior to taking HTML/CSS.

HTML/CSS Syllabus

Computer monitor, potted plant and pen. On the side of the monitor there is an anole lizard, and on the screen there are images of web analytic graphics.

Web Analytics

Section: MC0009-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 23

Web Analytics Syllabus

Interactive Presentations for Effective Communication Microcertificate

This microcertificate is awarded after earning badges in the four microcredentials listed below.

Qualified learners* can earn credit (equating to ITSW-1440 Intro to Presentation Graphics Software) after completing this microcertificate. View Program Map.

Note: Social Media, will be available in 2025.

*A learner must have an ACC transcript to earn credit

Computer monitor, reusable water bottle, lamp, and pencil. On the computer monitor is a graphic representation of presentation software showing morphing animation.

Advanced PowerPoint

Section: MC0010-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 21

Advanced PowerPoint Syllabus Coming soon

Computer monitor, mic, and cell phone. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of a video editing software showing source and preview windows, timeline, and list of assets.

Interactive Media

Section: MC0011-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 22

Interactive Media Syllabus

Computer monitor, halo light on a tripod with a cell phone clipped in, and two lipsticks. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of social media post planning.

Social Media

Section: MC0012-001-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 25

Social Media Syllabus Coming soon

Computer monitor, poster of a llama, plate with half eaten cookie, and magnifying glass. On the computer monitor is a graphical representation of data analytics showing points on a global map.

Data Analytics

Section: MC0013-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 20

Note: Knowledge of Spreadsheets is required for this microcredential.

Data Analytics Syllabus

Problem Solving with Systems Thinking & Technology Microcertificate

This microcertificate is awarded after earning badges in the three microcredentials listed below.

Qualified learners* can earn credit (equating to ITSC-2335 Application Problem Solving Software) after completing this microcertificate. View Program Map.

Note: Systems Thinking and Project Management micorcredentials will be available in 2025.

*A learner must have an ACC transcript to earn credit

Computer monitor, Rubik's cube, and a bookshelf holding books about problem solving and artificial intelligence, with a "thinking cap" on top of the books. On the computer screen is a graphical representation of a systems map with arrows and color coding to show relationships.

Problem Solving with AI

Section: MC0015-002-225S | Online | March 31 - May 5 | Seats available: 20

Problem Solving with AI Syllabus