How to add a badge to LinkedIn

Adding a badge is easy

For instructions on how to add a microcredential badge to your LinkedIn profile, follow the steps on this page and/or watch the video to the right.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. Log into Suitable

Click on the button below to login to Suitable. You will be asked to provide your ACCeID and password. 

Screenshot of ACC Login page to show students how they need to login to Suitable to view their badges

2. Navigate to your completed badges on Suitable homepage

Click on the “Completed” tab option to view your earned badges.

Screenshot of ACC student Suitable badge homepage with arrow showing student needs to click on "Completed" to view badges they have earned.

3. Select the badge you want to view and share.

Click on the badge to view your badge information and access the share option.

Screenshot showing ACC students need to click on a completed badge to get to the page where they can view the information and share on LinkedIn

4. Click on the “Share” button.

Clicking on the “Share” button will open up share options.

Screenshot of ACC Suitable badge earned by a student with arrow pointed at a "Share" button

5. Enable sharing and start the process of adding to LinkedIn profile.

Click on the “Enable sharing” toggle to make the sharing options available, and click on the blue “in Add to Profile” button.

Screenshot showing a "Share" popup on ACC's Suitable Badge site that displays options to "Enable sharing" and "Sharing achievement to LinkedIn profile."

6. Add associated skills to Skills section of LinkedIn profile

Click on the “+ Add skill” button.

Screenshot of LinkedIn popup showing how to add a license or certification to their profile. An arrow is pointed at the "+ Add skill" button in the Skills section, to instruct ACC students in their process of adding their Suitable badge

7. Search for skill you want to add

Type a skill associated with your microcredential badge (like word-processing, or MS Word) in the Skill search bar and then select from dropdown options that appear. You may choose more than one skill to associate with your badge.

Screenshot of LinkedIn popup showing how to add a license or certification to their profile. After clicking on the the "+ Add skill" button in the Skills section, ACC students can then type in the search bar for a skill associated with their badge. They can then select from a dropdown to add a skill.

8. Save associated skills

After adding associated skills, they will appear as green buttons that you can delete if you want to change them. Once finished adding skills, click on the blue “Save” button in the lower right corner of the popup window.

Screenshot of LinkedIn popup showing how to add a license or certification to their profile. An arrow is pointed at the "Save" button to tell ACC students what to do after associating a skill with their shared Suitable badge

9. View confirmation that badge was successfully added to your profile

Congratulations! You have added your badge to your LinkedIn profile. Click on the blue “Next” button in the lower right corner to share your accomplishment with others.

Screenshot showing a LinkedIn popup that appears after an ACC student has successfully added their earned Suitable badge and associated skill(s). A arrow is instructing students to click on the "Next" button.

10. View and edit the post you are going to share about your badge

You can edit your celebration post or post as is. Click the blue “Post” button in the lower right corner to post.

A popup on LinkedIn showing a celebratory post ACC students can use to share their earned Suitable badge.

11. View how your new badge looks on your LinkedIn profile

Navigate to your LinkedIn profile and scroll down to “Licenses & certifications” to view your new badge. Clicking on the “Show credential” button will allow you or prospective employers to view the badge information on Suitable.

Screenshot showing how an earned Suitable badge from ACC, along with associated skills, displays on LinkedIn profile.