Officers and Senators 2019-2020


Dr. Missi Patterson Photo

Dr. Missi Patterson – Professor, Psychology

HLC 4.2310.30 / Phone: (512) 223-7043 / [email protected]

Meet the Senate President – September 2019


Dr Butler Photo

Dr. Wayne Butler – Professor, Business, Government & Technical Communication

NRG 4224 / Phone: (512) 223-4029 / [email protected]

Past President: 

Yam Tolan

William (Yam Tolan) – Professor, Art

HLC 4.2310.29 / (512) 223-7074 / [email protected]


Jordan Hagan –  Assistant Professor, Library Services

HYS 1305.05 / (512) 223-1587 / [email protected] 


Samantha Croft – Professor, Biology

RRC 3333 / (512) 223-0319 / [email protected]


Beth Frye – Professor, Integrated Reading and Writing

SAC 1134 / (512) 223-9129 / [email protected]

Communications Officer:

Eva Thomsen – Associate Professor, General Studies & Student Development

HLC 1424.03 / (512) 223-7254 / [email protected]

Senators by Campus:

CYPLindaClement[email protected]
CYPPosition OpenSenator Stepped Down
CYPEvaThomsen[email protected]
EGNEmilyOlson[email protected]
EGNPosition Open
EVCPattyCollier[email protected]
EVCYolandaHall[email protected]
EVCAnnPalmer[email protected]
HLCBlancaAlvarado[email protected]
HLCSharonGoh[email protected]
HLCCarynNewburger[email protected]
HLCMissiPatterson[email protected]
HLCLarryStephens[email protected]
HLCYamTolan[email protected]
HYSJordanHagan[email protected]
HYSGloriaSutton[email protected]
NRGPamelaAskew[email protected]
NRGWayneButler[email protected]
NRGCarlaColeman[email protected]
NRGTheresaGlenn[email protected]
NRGJuanMolina[email protected]
NRGHowardSharp[email protected]
RGCJodiOates[email protected]
RGCAllanPurcell[email protected]
RRCSamanthaCroft[email protected]
RRCJacyDay[email protected]
RRCKatePatton[email protected]
RVSDavidChavez[email protected]
RVSJulzDecker[email protected]
RVSIrieGlajar[email protected]
SACBethFrye[email protected]
SACReneeKuhles[email protected]
SGCLolaCowling Watters[email protected]
SGCPosition Open

Senators – Alphabetical:

BlancaAlvarado[email protected]HLC
PamelaAskew[email protected]NRG
DavidChavez[email protected]RVS
LindaClement[email protected]CYP
CarlaColeman[email protected]NRG
PattyCollier[email protected]EVC
LolaCowling Watters[email protected]SGC
SamanthaCroft[email protected]RRC
JacyDay[email protected]RRC
JulzDecker[email protected]RVS
BethFrye[email protected]SAC
IrieGlajar[email protected]RVS
TheresaGlenn[email protected]NRG
SharonGoh[email protected]HLC
JordanHagan[email protected]HYS
YolandaHall[email protected]EVC
ReneeKuhles[email protected]SAC
JuanMolina[email protected]NRG
CarynNewburger[email protected]HLC
JodiOates[email protected]RGC
EmilyOlson[email protected]EGN
AnnPalmer[email protected]EVC
KatePatton[email protected]RRC
AllanPurcell[email protected]RGC
HowardSharp[email protected]NRG
LarryStephens[email protected]HLC
GloriaSutton[email protected]HYS
EvaThomsen[email protected]CYP