EMS Professions Program Overview
The ACC Emergency Medical Services Professions Program offers a one-semester EMT certification (Basic) along with three upper level awards: an Advanced EMT Level 1 Certificate; a Paramedic Level 2 Certificate; and an Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in Emergency Medical Services. All curricula combine classroom teaching with a supervised clinical, laboratory and ambulance experience. Emphasis is placed on patient assessment and initial treatment techniques of medical and traumatic emergencies appropriate to the certification or licensure level being sought.
EMT classes prepare the student for certification as a Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician with the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. Once a student successfully completes the requirements for the National Registry, he or she may then become certified by the Texas Department of State Health Services EMS-Trauma System as an EMT.
EMT classes last one semester and are offered every Fall, Spring, and 11-week Summer semester. The following classes may be taken for college credit. Both classes must be taken concurrently:
- EMSP 1501 (Lecture and Lab)
- EMSP 1160 (Clinicals)
Classes are primarily offered in the evenings, usually from 5:30 – 10 p.m. twice a week. In the Summer semester, the class is held three times per week. Consult the current credit course schedule for specifics.
There may be at least two other weekend dates required during the semester to cover state-mandated hours for skills or extrication practice. These dates would be considered class dates and are mandatory.
Mandatory clinicals are a defining part of EMT education. Clinical orientation is scheduled one of the first two Saturdays of the semester, and attendance is mandatory. Clinical schedules are chosen by the student from available dates/times provided on FISDAP®, the computerized software used for all ACC-EMSP clinical scheduling. Clinicals may include shifts with area 911 EMS services, hospital emergency departments, hospital labor and delivery wards, and non-emergency ambulance transfer services.
Program Progression
Certification as an EMT-Basic is the entry-level for a career in EMS and is a required certification for admission into the Advanced EMT/Paramedic programs at ACC. EMS certification is also a requirement for anyone seeking a commission as a firefighter in Texas.
To see the EMT Basic Degree Plan, click here.
How to Apply
Visit the EMT Basic Application Process page, or view the EMSP Program FAQ for more information. You may also contact Steven Villavicencio at (512) 223-5918 or [email protected].
The program enrolls students to begin advanced training each semester. Classes are offered in the daytime only, twice a week. In the summer semester, the class is held three times per week and is only offered in the daytime. Consult the current credit course schedule.
Program Progression
Once accepted into the program, students must continue to make satisfactory progress in order to maintain enrollment:
- Each unit exam in EMSP classes must be passed. Students have a total of two retests in each class that may be used in order to pass these exams. Any course or program final exam may only be retested once.
- Certain skills exams in EMSP classes must be passed. Students may have up to two attempts to pass specific skills. Only one of these skills in each class may be retested a second time. The list of mandatory pass skills is provided for each course at the beginning of the semester. Skills include all psychomotor skills as well as other pass/fail competency checks (such as math competency).
- Students must abide by all college and departmental policies including but not limited to dress code, attendance (classroom and clinical), and paperwork/documentation.
- Students must adhere to strict attendance rules. Students may not miss more than 10% of total classroom clock hours. Students must attend all assigned clinicals.
- Students must maintain their EMT certification.
- Students will be required to withdraw from the EMSP program for violation of these requirements.
In order to move into the subsequent semester, or to receive a course completion, a student must pass each EMSP course with a score of “B” or better. Students not achieving this score will be allowed to repeat the class to make the required grade of “B” or better. Students may only take a course twice. If they are unsuccessful in a second attempt they will be released from the program.
Students will be allowed an automatic readmission for the next offering of a course, if the student has not reached the maximum number of admissions. Students who wish to be readmitted in a semester later than the next course offering must make prior arrangements with the department.
To see information about EMT Advanced/Paramedic Degree Plans, click here.
How to Apply
Visit the EMT Advanced/Paramedic Application Process page, or view the EMSP Program FAQ for more information. You may also contact Don Gwynn at (512) 223-5924 or [email protected].
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