Surgical Technology Resources
- Write-up form (Word)
- Write-up tips (PDF)
- Harrington Retractor – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Deaver Retractors – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Richardson Retractors – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Malleable Ribbon – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Balfour Retractor – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Bladder Blade for Balfour Retractor – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Goulet Retractor – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Army Navy Retractors – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Gelpi Perineal – Class = Exposing/Retracting
- Crile Hemostat a.k.a. “Stet” and “Tag” – Class = Clamping/Occluding
- Kelly Hemostats long a.k.a. “Rochester Peon” and short – Class = Clamping/Occluding
- Kocher Hemostats, curved and straight – Class = Clamping/Occluding
- Tonsil Hemostats – Class = Clamping/Occluding
- Right Angle Hemostats a.k.a. “Mixters” – Class = Clamping/Occluding
- Allises, long and short – Class = Grasping/Holding
- Babcocks, short and long – Class = Grasping/Holding
- Sponge Stick a.k.a. “Ring Forceps” – Class = Grasping/Holding
- Needle Holders, long and short a.k.a. “Mayo Hegars” – Class = Suture/Stapling
- Mayo Scissors, curved and straight a.k.a. “suture scissors” – Class = Cutting/Dissecting
- Metzenbaums “Mets”, large and medium – Class = Cutting / Dissecting
- Bandage Scissors – Class = Cutting/Dissecting
- Debakey Tissue Forceps – Class = Grasping/Holding
- Plain Tissue Forceps, long and short – Class = Grasping/Holding
- Russian Tissue Forceps, long and short – Class = Grasping/Holding
- Ferris Smith Tissue Forceps – Class = Grasping/Holding
- Toothed Tissue Forceps, long and short a.k.a. “Rat Tooth” – Class = Grasping/Holding
- Adson Tissue Forceps, toothed and plain – Class = Grasping/Holding
- #3 Knife Handles, long and short for blades 10, 11, 12 & 15 – Class = Cutting/Dissecting
- Tonsil suction and tip “Yankauers” – Class = Suctioning/Aspirating
- Poole abdominal suction and tip – Class = Suctioning/Aspirating
- Towel Clips – Class = Grasping / Holding
- Endotracheal Tubes
- Oral & Nasal Airways
- Esophageal Stethoscope
- NG Tubes
- Lap Pack
- Towel Pack & Gown Pack
- Needle Book
- Knife Blades “KBs”
- Electrocautery Pencil “Bovie”
- Bovie Tips and Scratcher
- Disposable Yankauer Tip Suction Tubing
- Bulb & Asepto Syringes
- Marking Pen
- Light Handle Covers A.K.A. “Condoms”
- Skin Stapler
- Steri Strips
- Culture Tubes
- Lap Sponges (5 to a pack)
- Raytec Sponges (10 to a pack)
- Ortho Raytecs (10 to a pack)
- Peanuts or Kitners (5 to a pack)
- Tonsil Sponges (5 to a pack)
- Cottonoid Patties
- Dental Rolls
- Syringes
- Hypodermic Needles
- Foley Catheter
- Red Robinson
- Fogarty Embolectomy Catheter
- Uretel Catheter
- Urinary Drainage Bag
- Active & Passive Drains
- Reservoirs For Drains
- Vaseline Gauze
- Nugauze & Iodoform
- Vaginal Packing
- 2×2 Dressing Sponges
- 4×4 Dressing Sponges
- Telfa Dressing
- ABD Small or Large
- Xeroform
- Adaptec Dressing
- Montgomery Straps
- Esmark Bandage
- “Kling” Gauze
- Kerlix Gauze
- Coban Bandage
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Surgical Technology Updates
General Health Sciences Information Sessions
These sessions are presented by Health Sciences Faculty Advisors and provide an overview of the health training options available at the college, the steps needed to apply and the expectations for success.
Read moreFeedback Hub: Share your voice!
The Health Sciences division is hosting a walk-in session to gather your feedback on our forms processes and website.
Read moreBats to Cats Transfer Program
Start at ACC and transfer seamlessly to Texas State University! If you are pursuing a Bachelor's degree, get the details on admissions requirements, deadlines, and financial support.
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