Tag: COVID-19
Revealing Different Layers of Pedro “Pete” Ramirez, Editor-in-Chief of ACCENT Student Media
The writer’s ever-changing journey to his current position has been a chart of restlessness and recklessness. Story by Angelica Ruzanova Edited by Pete Ramirez Growing up in the border town of Edinburg, Texas in the Lower Rio Grande Valley known for its multicultural populace and immigration controversies, Pedro “Pete” Ramirez’s curiosity about his community and…
ACC Students and COVID-19
Story by Duncan McIntyre Edited by Pete Ramirez We are all still living through one of the most significant periods in human history. Each person you encounter has likely experienced an unexpected change in their own story because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has affected each of us in a unique and perhaps fundamental…
What Students Need To Know About the ACCelerators Reopening
ACCENT met with the Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Shasta Buchanan to get more insight on this transition for ACC. on reopening the ACCelerators for student use.
COVID Safety
COVID-19 has changed the way we work, eat, play, and overall live. Reporter, Marissa Greene captures some images that you may have found to be familiar during these times.
Essential Workers Share Their Experience Working During COVID-19
By Angela Murillo Martinez Essential workers have been the backbone of our country during the pandemic. They have put themselves on the front lines to continue to work in order to provide for themselves and others in their community. Unlike some of us, many of them have had to continue to go to a physical…
COVID-19 Pandemic Takes a Toll on ACC Student Artists
By Angela Murillo Martinez ACCENT reporter, Angela Murillo Martinez, met with two ACC students who have had their artistic work impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
ACC Fashion Design makes COVID-19 Masks for Essential Staff
Written By Emily Pesina Aspiring, stylish, and essential一the fashion departments at Austin Community College have cultivated Austin once again. From bringing awareness to heart health with the Red Dress campaign, to an expected Corset-making for Breast Cancer Awareness, this year’s big project: to create COVID masks for essential employees who continue to work on campus.…