Value Statement
ACC is committed to hiring and retaining an excellent and diverse faculty which supports its mission. The College will provide an opportunity for faculty in good standing to receive multi-year appointments and due process for non-renewal of faculty contracts.
Administrative Rule
I. Definitions
- Academic Year. The academic year consists of the fall, spring, and summer semesters.
- Appointment. A commitment by the College to employ a faculty member for a specific period. The appointment is issued under the one-year or multi-year sequence process.
- Special Conditions of Employment. Faculty members may be appointed on a temporary basis or under other special conditions. Except for the reappointment process, and other special conditions listed in the agreement, temporary faculty are subject to the same conditions as all other faculty.
- Evaluation. Evaluation is the process by which the effectiveness of faculty members is measured, as mandated by Board policy.
- Acceptable Rating. An “Acceptable” (A) rating is a summary evaluation of Excellent, Very Good, or Good as determined by the faculty member’s supervisors when teaching and other functions assigned to faculty are determined to be satisfactory.
- Probationary Status Rating. Probationary Status (P) is a summary evaluation of “Needs Improvement” or “Unacceptable” by the faculty member’s supervisors in which teaching and/or other functions assigned to faculty are determined to be “Unsatisfactory.” This rating places the faculty member on probationary status for the subsequent appointment period. During this time deficiencies noted on the evaluation summary are to be addressed. A probationary rating may result in non-reappointment based on the one-year appointment sequence.
- Non-Renewal. Non-renewal is the College’s right to not rehire the faculty member beyond his/her contractual period.
- Termination. Termination is the dismissal, with good cause, of a faculty member without consent during the term of appointment.
II. Eligibility
- Faculty. Faculty may be employed on the basis of one-year or multi-year appointments. Faculty members employed on a temporary basis, emergency basis, or under a grant may not receive multi-year appointments. Faculty employed on a temporary or emergency basis may count their service towards eligibility for a multi-year appointment. Grant faculty, employees whose positions are funded in whole or in part by a grant, are also eligible to count their service towards eligibility for a multi-year appointment. That service must have been in the performance of faculty-type duties and applicable evaluation criteria and procedures must have been followed.
- Sequence for One-Year Appointment of Faculty
One-Year Track
Length of Service
First Year
“P”One year appointment College Option*
Second Year
“P”One year appointment College Option*
Third Year
“P”One year or Multi-year** College Option*
Fourth Year
“P”One year or Multi-year** College Option*
Fifth Year
“P”One year or Multi-year**
Non-RenewalSixth Year
“P”One year or Multi-year
Non-Renewal* College option. The faculty member may be either appointed for one year on probation or not renewed.
** Receives multi-year appointment if the previous rating was also an “A”.- Faculty members are eligible for appointment on an annual basis for one-year periods unless they become eligible for the multi-year track.
- Evaluations are conducted on an annual basis and faculty members receive a rating of “A” for Acceptable and “P” for Probationary Status.
- Faculty members with an “A” are recommended for another appointment, although improvements may be required or suggested.
- Faculty members with a “P” rating may be recommended for either another one year appointment with improvements required or recommended for non-reappointment.
- When faculty members complete at least three one-year appointments and their last two ratings are “A”, they receive a multi-year (three year) appointment. If faculty members complete three years or more but the last two ratings are not “A”, they may continue with one year appointments for a maximum of six years with the following exception:
Because of the six-year limitation and the two consecutive “A” requirement, faculty members with a “P” rating in the fifth or sixth year are not eligible for renewal.
- Sequence for Multi-Year Appointment of Faculty
Multi-Year TrackLength of Appointment
Three Years
“P”New Three year appointment
Reduced to two-year appointmentTwo Years
“P”New Three year appointment
Reduced to one year appointmentOne Year
“P”Return to two-year appointment
Non-Renewal- Faculty members are eligible for multi-year appointments based on years of service and annual evaluations.
- Evaluations are conducted annually and faculty members receive a rating of “A” for Acceptable, “P” for Probationary Status.
- When faculty members complete at least three academic years of employment and their last two ratings are “A”, they receive a multi-year (three year) appointment.
- Faculty members with a three-year appointment who earn an “A” rating receive an extension of that appointment. Faculty members with a three-year appointment who earn a “P” rating are not eligible for an extension; rather, they receive a two-year appointment.
- Faculty members with a two -year appointment who earn an “A” rating receive a three-year appointment. If the rating is a “P”, they receive a one-year appointment.
- Faculty members in a multi-year appointment track with a one-year appointment who earn an “A” rating receive a two-year appointment. If the rating is a “P”, they are not eligible for reappointment.
- Effects of Leave of Absence, Termination, Resignation. Faculty members who are granted a leave of absence will return under the same appointment. Leave of absence is considered on an individual basis in accordance with the Leave Policy. Faculty members who resign or whose positions have been affected by a reduction in force, but who are consequently reemployed within five years as full-time faculty members, will return with the same appointment sequence under which they left. If rehired after five years, faculty members are subject to the sequence of one-year appointments.
III. General Provisions
- Authority. All appointments for any term shall be effective only after written approval by the President.
- Criteria for Evaluation. The criteria to be considered in the evaluation of faculty shall be recommended by the college-wide evaluation committee, Department Chairs, Academic Deans, appropriate Associate Vice Presidents, the Academic Council, and approved by the Executive Vice-President for Instructional Affairs and the Executive Vice President for Campus Operations, Student Affairs and School Relations.