The Austin Community College District (ACC) is dedicated to the safety, health and welfare of its students, faculty and staff. The unlawful use and or abuse of drugs and alcohol can have a negative impact on the safety and well-being of college students and on our ACC educational environment.
The primary purpose of the following guidelines are in support of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) developed and implemented in an effort to prevent the unlawful possession, use, and distribution of drugs and alcohol on campus and at recognized events and activities. The College aspires to educate, call our community to action, help those in need, and be in full compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA).
I. Entities Affected by this Policy
Persons covered by the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) for students will include students who enroll in one or more classes for any type of academic credit except for continuing education units.
II. Student Standards of Conduct
ACC complies with local, state, and federal laws and penalties regarding the unlawful use of drugs and alcohol including the possession of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia on college premises and the sale or use of alcoholic beverages on ACC premises. In addition to criminal sanctions that may apply, the provisions of Administrative Rule 6.1202.03, Prohibition of the Use of Alcoholic Beverages at ACC Student Life Sponsored Events and Administrative Rule 6.1202.01, Student Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Process shall apply to violations of this policy.
III. Disciplinary Procedures
ACC believes it is the responsibility of all employees and students to report prohibited use or abuse of drugs and alcohol. If a student is suspected of violating the Drug and Alcohol policy under the provisions of Administrative Rule 6.1202.03 and/or Administrative Rule 6.1202.01, Student Standards of Conduct & Disciplinary Process, the College will perform an investigation to determine the appropriate course of action. A Student Discipline Form or an Incident Report detailing alleged violations of the Student Standards of Conduct by an ACC student will need to be completed to initiate the Disciplinary Actions/Due Process procedures.
IV. Disciplinary Sanctions
Violations of the ACC Standards of Conduct refer to a student’s failure to meet his/her responsibilities and are subject to General Disciplinary Action in accordance with college policy as stated in the ACC Student Handbook, College Catalog, Student Standards of Conduct, and College Policies, and Administrative Rules, and Guideline/Procedures.
The Dean of Student Services has the authority to issue sanction(s) including, but not limited to, the following:
- Written reprimand
- Loss of privileges/access
- Removal from course/s
- Warning
- Suspension
- Expulsion
V. DAAPP Information Dissemination
Notification of the information contained in the DAAPP is distributed to all enrolled students registered in classes for academic credit in the following methods:
- Admissions application notification to all applicants
- End of semester notification to all students
- Catalog
- Registration guide
- Online student handbook
- ACC main website (Consumer Right To Know)
- Provided in the A-Z index of ACC’s website
- Policies Section of the Current Students webpage
- Student Life Administrative Rule 6.1202.03 Prohibition of use of Alcohol at ACC Student Life Sponsored Events.
VI. Drug and Alcohol Education and Awareness
- Every fall semester, the ACC Office of Human Resources will partner with Student Services to host prevention activities during Red Ribbon Week to provide drug awareness.
- During the fall semesters’ “Weeks of Welcome,” the office of the Office of the Vice President of Student Services in collaboration with Campus Deans and Student Life will set up an Alcohol Awareness table, distributing written materials, i.e., flyers, brochures, etc. regarding alcohol and drug education and awareness.
- The Office of the Vice President of Student Services in Collaboration with Campus Deans will conduct workshops focusing on education, awareness and the impact of what drug and alcohol use can have on academic success.
- Events and programming to raise awareness will also be conducted by the Office of Student Life.
- As part of ACC’s Human Services department, an Associates of Applied Studies in General Human Services is offered with an Addictions specialty. This department also offers certificates in Addictions Counseling and Addictions Counseling in the Criminal Justice Setting. ACC offers the following courses for credit within this discipline:DAAC 1319 Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders
DAAC 2307 Addicted Family Intervention
DAAC 2341 Counseling Alcohol and Other Drug Addictions
VII. Program Resources for Individual and Group Counseling
Campus Related Resources
- Students have access to counseling professionals for free initial screenings concerning substance use with possible referral to local agencies or community partners. While a screening tool is not a substitute for a complete evaluation, it can help identify individuals who may have a substance use disorder or symptomatic of other disorders and how to get help.
- The ACC counseling website lists counselors who are specifically licensed in chemical dependency and how to contact them.
Local Resources
- A list of local resources with descriptions of drug and alcohol counseling treatment, rehabilitation or reentry programs available to students are provided in the DAAPP document.
National Resources
- Websites of various national organizations and government entities geared towards college students, parents, educators, and college administrators are provided in the DAAPP document for Students. Resources include but are not limited to: fact sheets, impact or consequences of using drugs, drug education information, side effects, and signs of abuse.
VIII. Oversight Responsibility
The Office of the Vice-President of Student Services shall serve as the main contact that will have oversight responsibility of the Student DAAPP including, but not limited to: updates, coordination of information required in the DAAPP, coordination of the annual notification to students, and the biennial review report. A DAAPP Oversight Team has been established to assist with these responsibilities. This team is responsible to the President and provides a report to the President’s Cabinet annually.
IX. Assessment of Program Effectiveness and Biennial Report
The DAAPP Oversight Team will review documented infractions of the student conduct policy on an annual basis. The assessment includes reviewing the incident(s) and the outcome(s) to ensure that college policy regarding drug, alcohol and other substance abuse violations and sanctions are imposed and consistently enforced.
The Vice President of Student Services in collaboration with Campus Deans of Student Services will conduct an annual review to determine program effectiveness and implement changes as necessary. The Vice President of Student Services and a designated Campus Dean of Student
Services will prepare a biennial review report approved by ACC’s President as required to be in full compliance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 34 CFR Part 86.100.
A review of the number of documented cases regarding students of concerns referred through ACC’s behavioral intervention team(s) will be gathered for statistical purposes and to ensure prevention and awareness activities are delivered appropriately across all of the ACC campuses and student populations.
Under the leadership of the designated Campus Dean of Students Services an assessment to measure student perceptions and behavior will be conducted periodically. These data will be analyzed to continuously determine the most appropriate interventions.
X. Policy History
The DAAPP for students and policy with accompanied guidelines will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that it accurately reflects institutional policy, procedures and programs; and to consider expansion of evaluation, prevention, and awareness activities.
XI. Related Documents
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP)
Drug Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86)
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA)
Administrative Rule 6.1202.03, Prohibition of the Use of Alcohol at ACC Student Life Sponsored Events
Administrative Rule 6.1202.01, Student Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Process