Value Statement
The Austin Community College District (“ACC” or “the College”) provides access to technology in support of operational and educational goals. ACC has legal, contractual, and ethical obligations to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its Information Resources.
Administrative Rule
Technology Resources are owned by the College, operated and maintained by the Information Technology department and may be used for ACC business use only.
All ACC communications and electronic records are considered an official record and are subject to the Public Information Act and the ACC Records Retention Schedule.
Any data created, transmitted and/or stored on ACC resources are the property of ACC, and is subject to access and monitoring in compliance with laws and ACC policies; therefore, users should assume no right to privacy in regard to their use of ACC Information Resources.
ACC employees and students must activate their ACCmail account upon admission or employment and regularly monitor that email account for official ACC communications.
Violations of the use of ACC Technology Resources will result in disciplinary action or revocation of access.
Technology Resources: For purposes of this policy, “technology resources” means electronic communication systems and electronic equipment.
Additional Resources:
College Record Retention Schedule
ACC Information Security Policies