Value Statement
The Austin Community College District (“ACC” or “the College”) values its employees, their support of the College’s mission, and their participation in College governance.
Administrative Rule
ACC officially recognizes and will support the following employee associations:
- Full-Time Faculty Senate
- Adjunct Faculty Association
- Association of Professional-Technical Employees
- Classified Employee Association
The administration will collaborate with representatives of the employee associations in order to receive their input into the development of Administrative Rules and Guidelines/Procedures, recommendations to the Board of Trustees, and actions that would significantly affect their members.
- Employee association officers shall represent the interests of their members.
- Each employee association shall provide the Chancellor with an up-to-date set of bylaws and shall notify the Chancellor of any change(s) to the bylaws within ten (10) days of the change(s) being made.
- Each employee association shall provide the Chancellor with an annual listing of its officers and shall notify the Chancellor of any change(s) within ten (10) days of the change(s) being made.
- The annual budget to support association activities shall be approved by the Chancellor and included in the annual budget of the College.