The College seeks to provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants and employees. The purpose of recruitment and job postings is to ensure all employees and individuals are aware of employment openings and have the opportunity to apply for those positions for which they qualify.
Once a supervisor determines a vacant position needs to be filled, the supervisor shall contact the Office of Human Resources (HR) to discuss recruitment, advertising resources, and posting the position. The departments and supervisors are responsible for requesting specialty recruitment and advertising.
Job Posting
Once the position has been approved for posting, HR will generate job postings electronically and advertise and publicize the posting.
Each job posting will have a position description and closing date by which applications must be received to be considered for the position. Job postings for grant positions shall include the specific terms and conditions of the grant.
HR shall determine, in consultation with the department, the appropriate external recruitment resources. HR shall ensure the posting will attract a diverse and broad range of qualified individuals and the requirements are not too rigid or narrowly defined.
Internal Postings
Job postings are available on the ACC Employment website. HR shall approve all non-faculty positions to be internally posted. Internal postings shall only be used to provide growth opportunities for a large number of employees who might be eligible for the positions.
Current employees with a satisfactory employment and performance status may apply for internal postings. New employees must have satisfactorily completed their six-month probationary period to be eligible or apply for another ACC position.
External Postings
As dictated by Government code 657.009, HR advertises all external job opportunities with the Texas Workforce Commission. In an effort to promote a diverse applicant pool, HR is responsible for advertising positions in local newspapers and newsletters, professional journals, and with community and state organizations and other resources as appropriate.
Faculty, supervisor, management and administrator positions must be posted externally and may be advertised in the Chronicle of Higher Education, minority newspapers, newspapers in other cities, and journals as appropriate. Positions are also posted on ACC Cable Access Channel 19, the ACC Employment web site, and on other online and digital resources.
Use of Private Employment Agencies for Recruitment
Use of a private employment agency to fill a position must be set forth in a contract and approved by the Executive Vice Chancellor of the vacant position and the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.
The Executive Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor, or designee, approve the use of a private employment agency whenever the vacancy is the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources.
HR shall be responsible for compliance, documentation and fulfillment of the contract terms.
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