Construction crews continue to work over the summer on the Highland Campus Phase 2 renovation project, including waterproofing exterior openings, pouring sound slabs and ramps, open stair steel installation, and reinstalling permanent fencing around the chiller yard. The paseo stair and the roof connector bridge have been poured. Concrete block walls at the performance hall are completed. Exterior sheathing to strengthen the wall system and provide a layer of protection against outside elements is 90 percent complete with exterior framing and sheathing of the Paseo and south portion of the building still to go. Skylight installation is almost complete.
Underground utility trenching, chilled water piping, and storm pipe installation are ongoing, as are mechanical/electrical/plumbing overhead and in-wall installation, canopy work, and overhead fire protection.
This past month, construction crews also began work on the elevators, plaster in penthouses 1 and 2, and drywall in penthouse 3.
Tags: ACC Highland, highland, phase 2
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