From the bylaws:
Membership Size: All Senate committees, including the Auditing and Elections, Bylaws, Policy and Procedure, Academic Affairs, and Facilities Committees, will have at least three representatives. The Nominating Committee and Salary and Benefits Committees would have the added stipulation that each would have representation from at least three different campuses.
Committee membership for the next academic year shall be solicited in the spring. A list of committee membership shall be presented at the first Senate meeting in the fall semester. Vacancies shall be filled by officers of the Senate. The Committee chairperson shall be appointed by the Senate officers.
Notes: Committees that require information about campuses have that included below. The others do not. The membership appointments below were approved at the Full-Time Faculty Senate Retreat.
Academic Affairs Committee – Considers curriculum and instructional matters and brings recommendations to the Senate about such matters, and (if so directed by the Senate) communicates with appropriate administrators.
- Ralph Hooper – Chairperson
- Yolanda Hall (Vocational Nursing)
- Reed Peoples (Accounting)
- Michael Miller (Computer Info Tech)
Auditing and Elections Committee – Audits all Senate documents and financial records before October 15 and at least one additional time to be determined by the Committee each year. Additional special audits may be conducted at any time that a majority of the Auditing and Elections Committee members deem necessary. Conducts all regular, special, and recall elections. Conducts any referenda and elections concerning amendments to bylaws called for by the Senate. Assures that all faculty members get ballots seventy-two hours prior to election deadline.
- David Haney – Chairperson
- Lei Ji (Economics)
- Helena Kopecky (Psychology)
Bylaws Committee – Considers Bylaws revisions as needed or requested and bring recommendations to the Senate about the same.
- Jon Luckstead – Chairperson
- Don Becker (Philosophy, Religion and Humanities)
- Lei Ji (Economics)
Committee on Faculty Participation – Promotes faculty participation in the Senate and in shared governance at ACC. Presents a list of recommended standing committee members to the senate at the first meeting of the new academic year in accordance with section 2. Makes recommendations to the President, when solicited, of representatives to serve on shared governance committees of ACC, and of members to serve on Ad hoc Senate committees.
- Kate Patton (Diagnostic Medical Imaging Radiology)
- Heather Syrett (Liberal Arts)
- Renee Kuhles (Library Services)
Facilities Committee – Considers matters relating to faculty concerns about the condition of the physical facilities of the College and also the long-range planning for future facilities.
- Erlene Clark (Architectural & Engineering Computer-Aided Design)
- Frederic Kumi (Computer Science/Information Technology)
- Catherine Andrews (Government)
- Michelle Landrum (Health Sciences)
- Sima Sohrabi (Health Sciences)
Nominating Committee– Presents a ballot for the regular election and any special elections, within the timelines stated under the article on elections.
- Jennifer Brimberry – Chairperson
- Allyson Whipple (Business, govt, and tech comm)
- Lisa McCartney (Health Sciences)
- Amy Simons (Health Sciences)
- Lisa Gelineau (ASL Interpreter Training)
- Samantha Croft (Biology)
This committee elected in 2019 to have a succession plan for their chair, such that they have a past chair, current chair, and incoming chair. This will ensure that there is always someone leading the committee who has the experience needed to organize the nomination process. The Full-Time Faculty Senate voted on 10/11/19 to support this change.
Policy and Procedure Committee – Considers policy and procedures affecting full-time faculty and bring recommendations to the Senate about such matters, and (if so directed by the Senate) communicates with appropriate administrators about the same.
- Jack O’Grady – Chairperson
- Vanessa Lazo (Foreign Languages)
- Terri Goodhue (Art)
- Renee Khules (Library)
- Curtis Baack (History)
Salary and Benefits Committee – Studies matters relating to faculty salaries and non-salary employee benefits, brings recommendations to the February Senate meeting about such matters, and (if so directed by the Senate) communicates with appropriate administrators about the same.
- David Lydic – Chairperson
- Chris Gardner (English)
- Jordan Hagan (Library) – HLC
- David Chavez (Automotive Technology) – RRC
- Nabeel Khan (Computer Information Systems) – HLC
- Sarah Porter (Counseling)
- Luis Garza (Health Sciences)
Note – 11/19/19 – This committee should expect to meet with the EVP of Finance each year during February and March to develop recommendations for faculty salaries. The budget process starts as early as April, and if we want our suggestions to be considered, they need to be discussed well in advance of this date.
FT Faculty Senate Executive Council Members for FCTL’s Faculty Center Advisory Group (FCAG)
- Michelle Fitzpatrick (Chairperson)
- Missi Patterson (Psychology)