The ranking formula for the Dental Hygiene Program has changed. To view the new Admissions Ranking Worksheet, click here.
A minimum score of 58.7 is required on both the Reading and English Language Usage sections of the TEAS exam. Please review the Application Process page for more details.
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Dental Hygiene Updates
TEAS Testing Requirements for Health Sciences Applicants
A TEAS Exam score is required to apply to the following programs: Dental Hygiene, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Radiology, and Vocational Nursing.
If you are not applying to one of the programs above, then you are not required to take the TEAS Exam at this time. Please refer to the Application Process page for your program to see all application requirements.
Read moreNote to applicants regarding “P/NP” grades due to COVID-19:
A "P" grade will count for course completion of a prerequisite and co-requisite, but will not be calculated in determining the GPA for ranking purposes and could impact your total ranking score. For questions regarding choosing a "P" versus a performance grade (A,B, C), please contact Teri Frank at [email protected].
Read moreOnline Application Submission Process
Due to public safety concerns, applications will not be accepted in person until further notice. Effective immediately, applicants for all Health Sciences programs except Associate Degree Nursing, Mobility Nursing, and RN-to-BSN should follow these instructions when submitting their application and supporting documents:
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