Mission & Goals

Mission & Goals

Mission Statement

The ACC Emergency Medical Services Professions Program prepares entry-level medics through comprehensive, professional, and patient-focused healthcare education that reflects the needs of our community.

Teaching Philosophy

The ACC EMS Professions Program prepares students to care for people in the out-of hospital setting. The primary focus of the educational process is on developing students’ skills to make clinical assessments upon which to base treatment plans. While a large part of the curriculum focuses on preparing students with the skills to care for patients in a medical crisis, it is equally important to recognize that the majority of what EMS does on a day-to-day basis is help people who are not in life-threatening situations. The ACC EMS Professions Program expects students to embrace this aspect of the profession by showing respect and compassion for every person they encounter during, and following, their education.

Program Goals

EMS Professions classes are fun, active, challenging, fast-paced courses designed for the adult learner. These courses are not your typical college classes. Students are expected to spend a large amount of time outside of class studying, practicing skills, and applying the material that is presented in class.

Classes are typically team taught by certified instructors who are active participants in EMS. Lead Instructors are responsible for preparing and delivering lectures, and Skills Instructors help the students master the various skills presented in the class. Students work in a collaborative environment designed to help them stay motivated and excited about the profession.

Graduates of the program should have a working knowledge of:

  • Human anatomy
  • Basic human physiology
  • Basic psychological information such as dealing with job stress, stages of grief, dealing with difficult patients, etc.
  • Patient assessment
  • Kinematics
  • Trauma
  • Cardiac emergencies
  • Respiratory emergencies
  • Metabolic/Endocrine emergencies
  • Toxicological emergencies
  • Special populations such as pediatric and geriatric patients
  • Basic pharmacology
  • Disaster response, Incident Command, Triage, HAZMAT
  • Bandaging techniques
  • Splinting techniques
  • Oxygen administration techniques
  • Basic medication administration techniques
  • Spinal motion restriction techniques
  • Patient lifting and moving techniques
  • Traction splinting techniques
  • Vital sign assessment techniques
  • And much, much more…

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EMS Professions Updates

  • General Health Sciences Information Sessions

    These sessions are presented by Health Sciences Faculty Advisors and provide an overview of the health training options available at the college, the steps needed to apply and the expectations for success.

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  • Feedback Hub: Share your voice!

    The Health Sciences division is hosting a walk-in session to gather your feedback on our forms processes and website.

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  • Bats to Cats Transfer Program

    Start at ACC and transfer seamlessly to Texas State University! If you are pursuing a Bachelor's degree, get the details on admissions requirements, deadlines, and financial support.

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