Value Statement
Austin Community College District (ACC) supports good employee relations and a harmonious working environment. Employees are expected to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of their position in a cooperative and professional manner. To avoid discipline issues, supervisors are expected to provide employees with clear direction and feedback about performance.
Administrative Rule
The Progressive Discipline process will: (1) provide employees with notice when job performance or conduct standards are not met and of the action needed to improve the deficiency in accordance with the Progressive Discipline Guidelines and Procedure and (2) provide appropriate documentation to ensure consistent application of policies, administrative rules and/or procedures.
Any disciplinary action taken by a supervisor must be fair and proportionate to the seriousness of the violation in compliance with the Progressive Discipline Guidelines and Procedure. If a situation warrants corrective action, the progressive discipline process may include an initial warning, a written warning, probation, suspension or termination from employment. Each step need not be taken in each case. Depending upon the circumstances, the College may take any appropriate disciplinary action starting at any step, including immediate termination.
This progressive discipline rule applies to all non-faculty staffing table employees; it does not apply to hourly employees. Hourly employees may be terminated without notice and without cause in accordance with Texas law and/or ACC policy, administrative rule and/or procedure. All non-faculty staffing table employees seeking appeals in reference to this rule should refer to the ACC Grievance Policy.
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