Faculty Resources

Vocational Nursing Faculty Resources

Students desiring the opportunity to address the Vocational Nursing Faculty may do so at one of the regular faculty meetings. Students must follow the “Rules for Addressing the Vocational Nursing Faculty” as outlined below.

In order that the business of the Faculty may be conducted in an orderly manner, the Faculty has set forth the following procedure for students to appear before them at faculty meetings. This procedure is intended to maximize the benefit of student input. The Faculty reserves the right to amend and/or waive any or all of these procedural steps by a majority vote of its members.

  1. Students desiring to be heard by the Faculty must make their intentions known by contacting the Department Chair (DC) by 5 p.m. the day before the scheduled meeting. Students will be contacted by the DC prior to the meeting to determine the nature of the concern. Faculty meeting schedules will be posted at the beginning of each semester on the Faculty Resources page.
  2. Three minutes are allocated to each student to be heard. In the case where several students wish to speak on a particular issue, the DC may require the designation of a spokesperson.
  3. Students are expected to demonstrate professional behavior and language. Failure to do so will result in the DC withdrawing permission to address the faculty.
  4. Students are given an opportunity to address the faculty early in the meeting and are not allowed to remain for the faculty meeting.
  5. Any issues requiring faculty comment or action will be discussed by the faculty, and student(s) will be informed of the status of the issue or the Faculty’s decision within one month of the student’s appearance.

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Vocational Nursing Updates

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