
ACC Fest 2018



ACC Fest 2018 - Student Visiting Department TableWe offer certificates in Fashion Marketing, Marketing and Social Media/Digital Marketing. Certificates in our area are not mandated by the Texas Success Initiative (TSI). This means you can delay your developmental math courses and determine if you like the subject before deciding if this is the degree for you.

Completing a certificate is also a good measure that you are progressing towards an Associate Degree and could help you advance in your job. If you decide to pursue a degree then you must take the required 15 hours of general education for TSI college-readiness.

It is not a good idea to put off these requirements indefinitely. Once you decide to get a degree you should start dealing with TSI college-readiness standards.



The Marketing Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree is a two-year curriculum that will provide detailed knowledge and skills in marketing and marketing management. Similarly, the Fashion Marketing AAS Degree is a two-year curriculum that will provide detailed knowledge and skills in fashion merchandising.

The skills and knowledge learned in these AAS degrees will prepare students to enter the workforce. The curriculums include both general courses to establish a foundation of study and specialized courses to allow students to meet their individual career objectives. These degrees are specifically designed for individuals who desire to obtain employment after two years. The courses in these two degrees are also useful as electives in other Area of Study programs, including many of the transfer programs.

Note – Students intending to transfer to a 4-year institution in pursuit of a traditional baccalaureate degree in Marketing or Fashion Marketing need to pursue the Business Administration Associate of Science (AS) Degree instead of the AAS degree. Courses in the Business Administration AS Degree are more generalized and many of them are transferable to most Texas universities.


and Beyond

Graduates of these 2-year AAS degrees have the option of pursuing a 4-year nontraditional occupational Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science (BAAS) Degree offered by a number of state universities.

Learn more about the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science (BAAS) Degree

The Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science degree is a 2+2 program. The program allows students who have completed approximately 60-66 hours to select specialization in one of several areas and complete a four-year degree. This is a nontraditional degree that is designed to meet the needs of working adults. Some of the characteristics of this degree are:

  • It grants credit for noninstitutional forms of learning (work experience, credit by exam).
  • It is generally individualized
  • It is offered at times and locations convenient to working adults.
  • It is interdisciplinary.

Texas State University offers one of the best BAAS programs in the state. Concordia University Texas, another school in the Austin area, offers a BAAS in Applied Business. Another popular school is Texas A&M Central Texas (TAMU-CT), which provides a pre-admission program and offers numerous BAAS degree alignments that are business specific.

1. What do I need to know to get started?

Woman Starting PositionAustin Community College maintains an “open door” admissions policy. No entrance or SAT examination is required. A registration application can be submitted any time prior to or during the registration process. Any student who has not earned at least three college-level credit hours prior to fall 1989 must complete the state mandated TSI College-Readiness Standards test. ACC also gives an assessment test to new students and to transfer students with less than nine hours. Performance on these exams does not prevent admission to ACC but may affect what developmental courses you are required to take before you can take college-level courses.

You may elect to have your previous coursework from an accredited institution of higher education evaluated for transfer credit and the credits may be applied toward a degree program here at ACC. A transcript will be evaluated after you have registered for ACC college-credit classes: and it will be evaluated only upon your request. To request an evaluation you must complete an evaluation request form that can be obtained in the campus admissions offices or by contacting our department.

2. What is my educational goal?

Question MarkYou must first determine your educational goals before you can address which degree plan you should pursue at ACC. If you intend to transfer to a four-year institution in pursuit of a traditional baccalaureate degree, you need to pursue the Business Administration Associate of Science Degree. This degree plan transfers to most four-year schools. If you do not intend to transfer to a four-year school, you may pursue a business related Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree or Certificate in Fashion Marketing and Marketing.  Note that these AAS Degrees and Certificates are non-transferrable.

3. What if I am unsure of my educational goals?

Question MarkAll of the specific two-year Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degrees are very focused toward one area. The requirements in the Business Administration Associate of Science (AS) Degree are more general. They are excellent foundation courses, which include several business related courses and electives.

Moreover, many of these courses transfer to most Texas universities. Thus, if there is any chance that you will want to work toward a four-year degree, it is better to work toward a Business Administration Associate of Science Degree than in any of the more specialized two-year AAS degrees.

4. I have previous college credit hours. What should I do?

Man and BuildingAny current student should request an evaluation of their transcripts from other schools. An official transcript must be submitted from each college attended. You can make this request with any advisor or in the Office of Admissions and Enrollment on any campus.

A specialist at the District Administrative Office will make the evaluation and send a copy to you as well as to the department of your major. Your advisor will then work with you to determine the appropriate use of these courses. There are occasions when courses may be substituted.

5. May I receive credit for work experience?

College credit is not given for work experience.

6. May I receive credit from challenge exams?

This department does not accept challenge exams.

7. Can I test out of any courses?

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows students of any age to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college course content.

Be sure to check with an advisor or counselor before taking any CLEP exam, or refer to the Austin Community College Catalog to ensure credit can be awarded.

Visit this page to see the list of currently offered CLEP exams and other CLEP related information, such as Taking a CLEP Test, Test Fees, Scheduling and Paying for a Test.

8. Do developmental courses count toward any of the degree plans?

NO. Developmental courses prepare students for success in college credit courses and do not count toward any degree.

9. Are D's acceptable as a passing grade in the degree plan for graduation purposes?

For the 2021 catalog, and subsequent catalogs, the college declared that D’s would not count for graduation credit.

A student may appeal to the Department Chair of their program for a particular D to be counted. To allow a D to count for graduation credit, it must be agreed upon by the relevant Dean and Department Chair.

However, the only reason a student might be legitimately considered has to do with whether they are eligible to graduate under a catalog when D’s were allowed to be counted for graduation.  The 2020 catalog is the last year D’s were allowed to be used in the degree plan for graduation. The 2020 catalog will expire in fall of 2024 so a student would need to graduate by summer 2024 to use the 2020 catalog (and have been enrolled in credit courses at ACC during the time of 2020 catalog.)

10. What Mathematics course should I take?

For the Fashion Marketing or Marketing AAS Degree, select from the Mathematics section of the Core Curriculum Course List.

Mathematics (Code 020) – 3 Credits/1 Course Required
MATH 1314
MATH 1414
College Algebra
MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business and Economics
MATH 1325 Business Calculus
MATH 1332 Contemporary Math
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics
MATH 2412 Precalculus: Functions and Graphs
MATH 2413 Calculus I

11. What is an Internship or Practicum and must I complete an Internship in order to receive a degree?

Internships and/or Practicum are career-related activities encountered in the student’s area of specialization and offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. The student completes the Internship during the final semester before graduation. It is not always practical for a student to complete an Internship and under certain conditions there are alternative courses that may be taken to replace the Internship/Practicum. Contact our department for complete information about requirements.

12. What marketing courses are accepted by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (TSBPA) as business credits for the CPA exam?

AccountantsMRKG 1311 – Principles of Marketing
MRKG 2348 – Marketing Research and Strategies

For the complete list of eligible non-accounting courses, visit Accounting’s Business Related Courses.

13. What is the Rule of Three?

ACC charges an additional fee for students registering for a course for a third time or more. This fee applies to credit and Continuing Education courses and includes course attempts made since the fall 2002 semester.

ACC cannot receive state funding for courses a student takes three or more times. The “third course attempt” fee was implemented to help the college recover some of the costs of these courses.

Additional information

  • If you have financial aid, you may use it to cover the additional tuition charge.
  • If you are taking a class for the second time and are considering a third attempt in the future, consult an instructor or advisor. They can help you determine whether a third attempt is the right choice for you.

If you are unsure about your status, contact any campus Advising Center to determine whether you will be taking a course for a third time.

14. What are the consequences of drop/withdrawal?

WIf you want to drop or withdraw from a class after it has started, you must complete the course withdrawal/drop instructions. Unless you take these steps, you will remain enrolled in the class even if you do not attend.

IMPORTANT: If you stop attending a class but do not officially drop or withdraw, you will receive an F grade in the course.

Dropping or withdrawing from a class can affect your financial aid, academic standing, or cost of attendance. Your instructor or an advisor can help you understand possible consequences of withdrawing and explore alternatives.

For example, by state law, undergraduates at Texas colleges and universities are limited to six course drops over their academic career. For many students, courses dropped after the census date are included in this drop limit.

Know the consequences before you drop or withdraw.

* Google Translations are provided only for your convenience. *
Please contact the department if you have any questions.

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