ACC Full-Time Faculty Senate Website
ACC Coronavirus page
Dear Faculty Colleagues,
A light Standard this week. Summer session wraps up in three weeks (8/8), we go back on contract in four weeks (8/16), and fall 21 starts in five weeks (8/23). Time to get on that list of things you were going to do this summer, as there’s only a few weeks (on the calendar, anyway) of summer to go!
This week I draw your attention to a couple very important events you’ll want to attend. The college is looking into adopting a new lecture capture technology called Panopto. Will it replace the lecture capture tools we currently use? I don’t know, and if you don’t, you should definitely plan to attend the Panopto demo on Thursday 7/22. As we prepare to return to campuses August 23rd, we’re starting to hear about dangerous spikes in the Delta variant among the unvaccinated. Will students be required to be vaccinated and masked upon their return? I don’t know, and if you don’t, you’ll want to participate in the Chancellor’s Conversation on Friday 7/23 so you can ask all your burning questions and hear directly from the top about what the fall has in store for us. See the Newsworthy section below for all the details about these opportunities, and others, designed to keep you in touch with leadership and to let your voice be heard!
Stay safe. Stay cool.
Senate Meetings / Minutes / Agendas
The July 9th Full-Time Faculty Senate meeting minutes are currently in review. They will be posted once approved.
We will not hold a Full-Time Faculty Senate meeting during August, as our bylaws require only two summer meetings (June and July). The new senate will be seated during it’s kick off retreat, but that will be a closed meeting.
Panopto Lecture Capture Tool Demo [Thursday, July 22nd]: Join TLED’s Office of Academic Technology in a College-wide demo of Panopto and provide feedback on how this enterprise-level tool may support the use of video for the next 10 years. This session will be interactive and attendees will be asked to complete an evaluation to provide feedback on the features and functionalities of Panopto as well as how the tool compares to lecture capture tools currently supported at ACC.
- 2:00pm-3:15pm
- Give input on the future of video at ACC! Register here.
Campus Conversation with the Chancellor: ACC’s Return to Campus This Fall [Friday, July 23rd, 9:00AM]: Austin Community College District hosts a virtual Campus Conversation with the Chancellor on the college’s return to campus plans. College leadership, members of the Return to Campus Committee, and student representatives will discuss how ACC is balancing the needs of its employees and students to fully reopen this fall. Visit the Campus Conversations with the Chancellor page for the live stream link and to ask your questions about returning to campus this fall.
Vaccine Pop-Up (And a Chance to Win an Amazon Gift Card) [Friday, July 23rd, 9-11am]: Come to ACC Riverside Campus on Friday, July 23 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. to get your free COVID-19 vaccine. You will have a chance to win one of two $500 Amazon Gift Cards! All you need to do is sign up here and show up on July 23 for your shot.
TLED Summer Software Day [Friday, July 23rd ß LAST REMINDER]: Summer Software Day is an annual event that offers workshops for all ACC faculty and staff. The event provides you with an opportunity to keep up to date with your tech skills and learn new ones to implement in your classrooms and day-to-day tasks. This year, Summer Software Day will be delivered entirely online on Friday, July 23, 2021. Click here to get event reminders. More details are available at austincc.edu/softwareday
HR Compensation Announces Annual Educational Adjustment Process for Qualifying Full-Time Faculty [Deadline, July 31st , 2021]: The Annual Educational Adjustment Process for Qualifying Full-Time Faculty is now being conducted by HR Compensation. If you have completed a higher degree or completed additional graduate hours (either 24, or 45 or more) in your teaching discipline or in the discipline of Education in this academic year (FY21), those additional hours or degree qualifies your salary to be reviewed for a higher salary level. See attached for more details. Contact Carla Dykstra at [email protected] with questions.
ACC Student Success Report, 2020-2021 is Now Available: Download Provost Cook’s presentation to the board. As the Provost noted in his cover email to the association presidents, “The report documents the amazing success of ACC students during this past very difficult year. I emphasized to the Board that this success would not have been possible without the incredible dedication of our faculty and staff and the countless hours you have all spent in terms of professional development, adaptation of pedagogies and technologies, and acts of empathy and care for our students.”
New Faculty Orientation Updates: Please see this page for a message from Michelle Costanzo (Assistant Dean, Faculty Development) on Mentor and Mentee Forms, Orientation, and Department/Division/AoS Meetings.
Current Action Items (These are reminders for things I’ve already sent out):
Teaching and Learning Academy (TLA) [Application deadline August 1]: Registration is now open for the Fall 2021-Spring 2022 cohort. Watch Samantha Croft’s short video for her take on why now is the right time to join this program. You have plenty of time before the deadline to apply, but please keep TLA in mind over the summer. Please mark your calendar to submit your application by August 1, 2021. Learn more and apply here.