Monthly Summary
November saw the DFI team focused on continuous improvement and growth. Nine microcredentials have been developed and offered thus far, and two more are in the works. Data collecting has revealed that students like the learning platform and that many are coming back and taking additional microcredentials.
Some of the team members have started taking the microcredentials as students to not only gauge effectiveness and clarity of content, but to understand the student experience.
Survey and course success data was evaluated as well.
- Met with the new Chancellor, Dr. Lowery-Hart at South Austin Campus on November 2nd.
- Met with Adrian Edmondsun, potential Digital Navigator for Problem Solving with AI and Data Analytics microcredentials, on November 17th.
- Met with Kara Buckner, ACC GROW student, for an assessment of the program on November 20th.
- Met with Mison Zuniga, Interim AVC, College and High School Relations, about adding a course to the Digital Fluency Occupational Skills Award so it may become a Level One certificate for High School students on November 21st.
- Participated in Future of Works Education, Online Summit on November 27-28th.
- Met with Seth Wilkerson and others about converting Brightspace Leap to Blackboard Ultra on November 29th.
- Meeting set up with Janie Kang, however, she was unable to attend on November 30th.
- Refined Word Processing and Spreadsheet microcredentials to provide clarity in instructions for ease of use.
- Curriculum for Problem Solving with AI and Data Analytics microcredentials in development.
- Issued badges to students who successfully completed the second Fall session microcredentials.
- To date, with nine of 16 microcredentials launched, the combined co-curricular and opt-in sections had enrollments of 857 by the end of Fall, 2024. Co-curricular (in the classroom) had an unduplicated headcount of 362 enrollments while the Opt-in had a duplicated headcount of 495 enrollments. The goal is to add an additional 160 co-curricular learners and the opt-in number by 260 additional learners for Spring/Summer 2024.
- DFI microcredential sessions are embedded in select English, Technical Writing, Intro to Law, English (High School), EDUC (early college), and Web Design Tools courses. New sessions will be embedded into Fashion and Marketing courses in the spring/summer/fall 2024.
- As of November 30, 2023, there are 147 opt-in enrollments, and approximately 200 co-curricular enrollments for the Spring sessions. The total enrollment since June, 2022 is 1204. The goal for September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024 is 1410 (QEP goal). It is anticipated that this milestone will be easily met.
- The OIRA survey is complete and is currently being assessed.
Implementation Committee Meetings
No Implementation meeting was held in October