By | May 3, 2022
Hello Faculty Colleagues,
I implore all full-time faculty to serve on ACC’s crucial decision-making committees and councils. This essential work ensures full-time faculty voices are heard at the many policy-setting meetings held throughout the academic year. Please visit ACC Shared Governance for details about our role in shaping ACC policies and procedures.
Our presence on the councils and committees is our primary vehicle to advocate for our students and one another!
Additionally, but not incidentally, full-time faculty members have a contractual obligation to complete college and department service. Representing the full-time faculty is an excellent way, and perhaps the most effective one, to fulfill this obligation. Listen to what your colleagues say about volunteering for college-wide service: I volunteer so I can learn more about the big picture of the college, and because I believe that faculty voices matter. I also think that collaboration with administration is an important way we can support our students. Lastly, it gives me the chance to meet other people at ACC who inspire me!” “so that I can be involved in decision-making processes that affect ACC students, faculty, and staff.” “Being a part of something bigger than myself.” “Making sure faculty are protected, and advocating for us.
Sign Up and Let Your Voice Be Heard!
To learn more about the councils/committees and to express your interest in serving on one or more of them, please complete THIS FORM by May 20, 2022.~SamanthaSamantha Croft, Ph.D.[email protected]