Monthly Summary
In June, extensive college-wide outreach efforts continued throughout the month resulting in interest for co-curricular microcredentials in areas such as Liberal Arts, Adult Ed, and the Military Family Center. Marketing efforts included announcements in the RiverBat Echo, Riverbat Gazette, and TLED’s Faculty/Staff Digest, digital signage, and posters to promote microcredential registration and info session signups. The Summer microcredential session began on June 26th with 156 students enrolled in one or more of the six microcredentials released to date.
- Added four new info sessions for Fall registration.
- Met with Arun John, Christi Berni, Luanne Preston (LuAnne will embed Word Processing in two courses), Liberal Arts Chairs (Grant Potts).
- Met with Mieca Johnson Peralta – Adult Ed ABE / HSE Supervisor and her Chairs (six faculty interested in embedding a microcredential and becoming Digital Navigators).
- The following Adult Ed faculty members will be contacted to embed a microcredential and/or become a Digital Navigator: Anaí (Kendra) Perales, David Garcia, Jennifer Mansour, Mariposa (Candace) McGriffy, Nicholas Bryant, Vaaron Juarez, and Martha Carrasco-Salazar
- 70 sign-ups for Student Info Session Two on June 7th of which 16 showed up with 23 registrations into MC’s). Info Session Three – about 20 are signed up.
- Announcements for registration and info sessions in the RiverBat Echo, the Riverbat Gazette, and TLED’s Faculty/Staff Digest.
- Met with Vanessa Errico – Manager/The ACC Military Families Center.
- Held Implementation Committee Meeting on June 8th.
- Added general announcement on the homepage of the DFI LMS to advertise and drive current students to sign up for Fall microcredential offerings.
- Created a new popup for the website to advertise Fall microcredential offerings.
- Met with Victoria Taylor from Fashion Design to add microcredentials into Fashion Design curriculum.
- Met with C. Jason Vidrine, Wendy Lym, Susan Meigs, and Ursula Parker concerning the addition of Microsoft Word and/or PowerPoint for CLS/English Composition I.
- Creating two small videos (2 minute introduction, and a 2 minute Digital Navigator Introduction), one-pager, and a survey for English Comp I faculty to review – to be sent out by Wendy Lym.
- Presented to approximately 120 advisory and counselors at the Academic Guidance Forum.
- Presented to approximately 15 faculty, students, and staff at Info Session Three which resulted in 12 registrations.
- Met with J. Wade Allen to talk about outreach to his area and adding a microcredential to Philosophy courses.
- Placed two adverts/graphics on the Faculty/Staff page and in The Classified for the CEA Association.
- Placed a mention in the bullet section in TLED’s Weekly newsletter.
- A congratulatory email was created in Constant Contact and sent to 55 students who earned digital badges.
- Created posts on DFI website to give DFI students step-by-step instructions on how to 1) add a digital badge to their LinkedIn profile, 2) how to get Microsoft Office 365 through ACC, and 3) how to download Microsoft Access to a Windows PC. Links to the posts were added to the syllabi, to the Student Resource on the LMS, and to the Student Support page on the DFI website.
- Filled two opt-in microcredentials (Web Builder and Spreadsheets) and thus, added two more for summer registration
- Added fall registration on the website for first and second sessions which includes three new microcredentials: Photoshop for Web, HTML/CSS, and Web Analytics.
- Approval of ten Microcredentials through the Badging Sub-Committee of which now will be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for final approval.
- Continued refining and improving microcredential content on LMS. Added digital skills questions to pre and post assessment surveys for each of the six microcredentials now being offered.
- Ten Microcredentials were approved at the June Curriculum and Programs meeting.
- Continued refinement on five microcredentials that will open to learners on June 26th.
- Registration of 136 opt-in learners into eight sections – an average of 15 each.
- Registration of 20 co-curricular students for Web Builder microcredential.
- Addition of three new microcredentials on the Fall Schedule for Photoshop, HTML/CSS, and Web Analytics.
- Recruitment of three new Digital Navigators.
- 55 digital badges were awarded to students who successfully completed the Web Builder microcredential in Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023.
- Surveys for technical abilities/perceptions added to each microcredential for the purpose of drilling down and gathering baseline data.
- 107 Learners (as of June 9, 2023) are signed up for the offerings of 6 Microcredentials with 8 offerings in the summer session.
- To date, 23 Information Sessions and/or Presentations have been held. For Industry and Community Partners presentations have been made to Apple, South Texas College, the Aspen Institute (on a panel for a webinar), ACC’s General Assembly, and SACSCOC. Two Info Sessions have been held for Opt-In Learners for to fill the summer microcredential sections; Six sessions have been held as one-on-one’s with Deans to encourage buy in from their chairs and faculty (Deshaunta Stewart, Grant Potts, Giao Phan, Nina Alamay, Lorlie Ellis, Perry Crafton, and Adult Ed Supervisor, Mieca Johnson Peralta). The meetings have resulted in info sessions held for the chairs from the areas of Deshaunta Stewart, Grant Potts, Giao Phan, and Mieca Johnson – of which early adopter faculty members have arisen.
- Refinement of three surveys in collaboration with OIRA targeted to students, department chairs, and faculty. Refinement of two surveys (pre-assessment and post-assessment) to be embedded into each microcredential that will ascertain skill level for both professional and technical competencies.
- Beginning the build of an Excel spreadsheet for data capture of milestones, core indicators, student learning outcomes, and more.
- As of June 23, 142 learners are registered for the summer microcredentials.
- 156 students were enrolled in 10 Summer microcredential sections (8 opt-in, 2 co-curricular)
Implementation Committee Meetings
06/08/2023 Meeting – Minutes and Presentation