Written by:
Biology 1406 Faculty
Austin Community College
Contributing writers:
Salvatore Tavormina, Patricia Phelps, David Froehlich, Jacquelyn Jarzem, and Linnea Fletcher
Biol 1406 Lab Manual Title Page
Biol 1406 Lab Manual Table of Contents
Exercise 1–How do scientists collect and analyze data?
Exercise 2–How do scientists prepare solutions with specific concentrations of solutes?
Exercise 3–A. Understanding pH and buffers; B. Introduction to the brightfield microscope
Exercise 4–Cell structure and diversity
Exercise 5–How are substances transported within cells and across cell membranes?
Excercise 6–What factors affect enzyme activity?
Exercise 7–How is thin layer chromatography used to separate a mixture of molecules?
Exercise 8-1–How can α-lactalbumin be separated from the other molecules in milk?
Exercise 8-2–What is the concentration of protein in your milk fractions?
Exercise 9-1–Transformation of E. coli and digestion of plasmid DNA with restriction enzymes
Exercise 9-2–Which unknown plasmid sample had no plasmids, which had non-recombinant pUC18 plasmids, and which had recombinant pUC18 plasmids?
Exercise 10–Using Biological Databases on the Internet
ISBN: BIOL140612
© 2006 Austin Community College, Austin Texas