Senate Standard |
As I walked into the Senate Office today, I saw signs for the Adulting 101 program happening today and had a great chat with a (temporarily) displaced colleague from the Round Rock campus. In the faculty suite hallway I saw the advertisements for today’s Math Contest happening across the district and heard a conversation of encouragement between a faculty member and a student. These things all brought comfort and inspiration to me this morning. Personally, I needed both! Spring is notoriously a chaotic semester and I’m wondering what your experiences right now are. How are you doing? What has your work life been like lately? What support do you need at this time? Chime in by clicking on the poll link below. –Nancy [email protected] |
Upcoming Senate Meeting: Call for Agenda Items |
Our next Senate meeting is Friday, March 10 (12:00 – 1:30 pm via Zoom). If you have items you would like to see considered for the agenda, please reach out to Nancy at [email protected]. |
Northridge Campus Listening Session with Dr. Umphrey |
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Location: Northridge Building 4000, Room 4136 and via Zoom Hearing the concerns faculty have brought forward about the announced intentions to scale 8-week course offerings at Northridge and the process leading up to the announcement, Faculty Senate is coordinating a listening session at the Northridge campus. Dr. Umphrey has accepted this invitation to be on campus, listening to and learning from faculty about their experiences, concerns, ideas, and the questions they have about this Northridge work to inform future opportunities to work together to build the best solution for Northridge. This session will be facilitated by Dr. Rennison Lalgee, Northridge faculty member and Sociology department chair. If you are unable to join synchronously either in person or virtually, or would like to share your thoughts anonymously, you can use this Google Form to share your perspectives. Ideas shared in the Google Form will be incorporated in the listening session as well. If you have questions about this opportunity, please reach out to Nancy ([email protected]). |
Strategic Plan Community Day: March 24, 2023 Faculty & Staff Input Opportunity |
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Locations: Main session at Highland Campus with satellite locations and opportunities to participate in person on every ACC campus. Faculty and staff will learn about the process the consultants are guiding us through to develop our new strategic plan. Then participants will be introduced to the draft themes that have been gathered to date and will be asked to give input on the themes and recommendations for possible initiatives. The results of the Community Day are compiled, synthesized, and analyzed by the consultant for later use in the SPI process. More information is available on the Strategic Planning website and you should have received an email invitation with RSVP instructions earlier this week. If you have questions about the Strategic Planning committee work, or you haven’t received an invitation, you can reach out to your Senate representative on this planning team, Samantha Croft ([email protected]). |
American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Statement |
The American Association of University Professors (AAUP), in conjunction with the American Federation of Teachers, and the National Coalition against Censorship, has released a statement in response to proposed legislation in Florida that would have significant impacts on academic freedom in higher education. As the Texas Legislature continues its work this session with related legislation that impacts our work as faculty in higher education institutions, I share this statement to connect you to the work happening more globally. |
In Case You Missed It: Administrative Rule Feedback Requested |
There are a few faculty-focused Administrative Rules currently open for comment. I have listed them here for your quick reference and you can use the Google Form embedded on this webpage to provide your feedback to the Academic and Student Affairs Council (ASAC). Faculty Evaluation (AR 4.1201.02 and Guidelines/Procedures 4.1201.02.01) Feedback Deadline: April 1, 2023 This AR and G/P was previously sent out for comment but ASAC voted to send it out again to provide more opportunity for feedback and input. They would especially like more faculty members to share their input. The following resources are also available to help in your review of the Faculty Evaluation administrative rule proposed revisions: * Overview of the proposed revisions to the faculty evaluation process * Cross reference index of where to find more information * Faculty Evaluation proposed revision website |
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