By | June 12, 2023
Senate Standard
What a wonderful season: summer! I hope that the start to your summer term has gone well and that even the cadence of summer terms moves swiftly, that you each find the space for reflection and enjoyment of the change of pace. This is also the time when we begin planning for the next academic year. We need to hear from you about how YOU would like to be involved in the Senate and in college-wide work in the coming year. To that end, please be sure to fill out the interest form for committee service in the coming year (see below). Additionally, join if you can on Friday for our Senate meeting when we’ll have a few guests joining in with updates on college-wide work underway.
[email protected]
Faculty Senate Meeting: Friday 6/9/2023
Join us on Zoom this Friday from 12:00 – 1:30 for this month’s Faculty Senate meeting. 

Check out the full Agenda here. 

We will be joined by Dr. Erasmus Addae, Associate Vice Chancellor Distance Education, our new Vice Chancellor of Human Resources, Kelly Torrico, and our Vice Chancellor for Institutional Effectiveness & Grant Development, Dr. Mary Harris. Especially exciting is the opportunity to give input on our strategic planning work!

If you have questions about agenda items, don’t hesitate to reach out to Nancy Stano at [email protected]
2023-24 Senate Election Results
Thank you to everyone who nominated, ran, and voted in this year’s election. The slate of elected Senators is viewable here

If you have questions about these election results, please reach out to Samantha Croft at [email protected].  
Getting Engaged In Shared Governance 2023-2024
Our faculty voices are vital contributors to conversations across the college and there are many opportunities to serve on councils, committees, and workgroups throughout the year. And now is the time to share your interests in serving in the next academic year. 

Click here or on the icon below to access the form you can use to indicate your interest in serving on the various shared governance committees across the college or in the Faculty Senate. Those councils and committees are listed below for quick reference, but more information about their functions and meeting times is embedded in the form. The form also offers an opportunity to share about specific topics you have an interest in being part of, helping us better match opportunities that arise throughout the year with faculty who are interested in that work. 

College Wide Shared Governance Committees
*Academic & Student Affairs Council (ASAC)
*Administrative Services Council (ASC)
*Adjunct Faculty Staffing Committee (previously the eStaffing Committee)
*Assessment & Advising Committee
*College Accessibility Committee
*Curriculum & Programs
*Distance Education
*Enrollment Services
*Faculty Development & Evaluation
*Information Technology Committee (previously College-wide Technology & Capital Outlay Committee)
*Safety & Environmental Management
*Student Rights & Responsibilities

Faculty Senate Committees
*Academic Affairs Committee
*Auditing and Elections Committee
*Bylaws Committee
*Committee on Faculty Participation
*Facilities Committee
*Nominating Committee
*Policy and Procedure Committee
*Salary and Benefits Committee

Please complete the interest form by June 30, 2023.
Campus Planning: Pinnacle
Dr. Scott and Dr. Umphrey are starting to organize various stakeholders for meetings related to upcoming bond projects. The Faculty Senate has asked that faculty be part of early conversations in all of these conversations and at this time they are starting with discussions around Pinnacle. Specifically, the instructional programs that will be offered there. 

If you are interested in representing full time faculty in these discussions, or have an idea of a faculty member who would be a good fit for these conversations, please reach out to Nancy Stano at [email protected].

The FacStaff InfoHub is your source for the latest ACC news.

ACC Safety & Emergency Communications:

Visit the Faculty Senate Website: