The Austin Mayor’s Health & Fitness Council has named Austin Community College a Certified Partner in recognition of ACC’s Employee Wellness Program. MHFC Certified Partners, which include some Austin’s best-known employers, must offer initiatives addressing physical activity, nutrition, tobacco-free living, health education, and preventative services.
“A healthier workforce is a more productive workforce, which benefits our students and supports their success,” said President/CEO Dr. Richard Rhodes, an avid runner and enthusiastic advocate of the wellness program. “We’re grateful to those who have developed these initiatives and to the many faculty and staff who create a healthy workplace by participating.”
Established by the Human Resources Office in August 2013, ACC’s Employee Wellness Program has expanded beyond exercise classes to encompass programs on healthy eating, diabetes education, meditation, and other wellness practices. In addition to fitness classes, the program encourages employees to be active by using the stairs and taking advantage of campus walking trails. This spring the HR Office introduced “Mammo Mixers” to promote mammogram screenings.