For the official syllabus, see the hard copy attached in Blackboard under START HERE > Syllabus, Schedule & Course Grading Scale. That syllabus constitutes a de facto course contract. Blackboard also includes information on college-wide policies, which aren’t included here, found on the left-hand toolbar. The abbreviated syllabus below includes just information related to your HIST 1301 & 1302 courses. For an even quicker, concise course guide, see the videos on the Home Page (Announcement Page) for your Blackboard (Bb) section. You can orient yourself to the course there and check-in. Your Bb section should be available within five days of your course start date.
ONL SYLLABUS for HIST 1301 & HIST 1302
If you cannot agree to take exams online with video proctoring, you will have to withdraw from this class, as alternative testing is not available.
Cameron Addis
1430.05 HLC
Virtual Office Hours via Zoom By Appt.; Regular OH Vary By Semester & Section (see Lighthouse)
[email protected]
1301: Study of the history of the United States (and colonial America) from 1492 to 1877
1302: Study of the history of the United States from 1877 to the present.
- Credit Hours: 3
Students interested in transferring courses to another college should speak with their Area of Study (AoS) advisor, Department Chair, and/or Program Director.
Textbook: History Hub (Free, Digital OER)
Software: Respondus Lockdown Browser MONITOR
Specs & Download Link in Bb Under Respondus QSG Link / PDF Guide / Video
*Compatible w. Macs, PC’s & iPads
*Requires webcam and microphone
*Chromebooks should work with Respondus
*ThinkPads do not work with RLB
*Students can rent iPads & laptops from ACC
We provide each student with six semester hours of U.S. History instruction to meet the requirements of the Texas Education Code (51.303). The Texas Legislature requires students to take 6 hours of American history to graduate from an institution of higher learning in Texas. This course helps fulfill that requirement with 3 credit hours. Always check with your adviser concerning which classes transfer to which colleges. Students taking either History 1301 or 1302 can expect to improve their reading and writing competencies, critical thinking skills, research skills, etc., all of which help students succeed in life outside academia.
No SCANS Competencies Required. Students will need good reading, writing and study skills to succeed in this course. Students will be expected to read about 500-700 pages of textbook, and, depending on the individual instructor, may be obliged to read an outside book and/or do a research paper. Students will have to write essays, book reports, and/or research papers and will be expected to observe decent English grammar and spelling rules. Although students will be told when tests will take place and be given detailed learning objectives to facilitate study, students will be expected to study information in detail to prepare for the tests.
History is built on a bedrock of facts, but any interpretation (lecture or textbook) is subjective. On sensitive and volatile topics (and most important historical subjects are), students may sometimes disagree not only with each other but also with the instructor. It is expected that faculty and students will respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions. Subject matter may also include language that many would find offensive out of context but is necessary to relay the material accurately.
This is an online course; you won’t be attending lectures or an orientation. Students enrolling in Distance Learning courses will need maturity, ability, and self-discipline to successfully complete the requirements. The student will be required to do the same amount of work and the same quality of work as students enrolling in the in-class sections. Distance Learning courses are designed for mature and capable students endowed with a great degree of self-discipline and responsibility. Keep in mind that the course load is equivalent to a 16-week college course, even if you’ve signed up for the 5-, 6-, 8- or 12-week course. It transfers to 4-year schools like Texas, Texas State, A&M, Tech, etc. It’s doable if you put in the time, effort and thought, but it’s not an easy backdoor route to college credit. Those in the 5-week sessions, for instance, should plan on spending at least 3 hours per day on coursework. You won’t be handed a “review sheet” before the exams so as to avoid real work (as often requested). You’ll create your own notes by reading chapters in conjunction with learning objectives. Early in the course, put the course deadlines listed in Blackboard into your personal calendar. Please review the ACC Distance Education General Information available at: review the ACC Distance Education General Information. Students will use the Blackboard learning management system for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, and collaboration.
Austin Community College provides free, secure drive-up WiFi to students and employees in the parking lots of all campus locations. WiFi can be accessed seven days a week, 7 am to 11 pm. Additional details are available at
Students who do not have the necessary technology to complete their ACC courses can request to borrow devices from Student Technology Services. Available devices include iPads, webcams, headsets, calculators, etc. Students must be registered for a credit course, Adult Education, or Continuing Education course to be eligible. For more information, including how to request a device, visit
Student Technology Services offers phone, live-chat, and email-based technical support for students and can provide support on topics such as password resets, accessing or using Blackboard, access to technology, etc. To view hours of operation and ways to request support, visit
Grading Scale:
250 Points Total =
150 = 5 Exams x ~30 Pts. Each, Based On History Hub Chapters
50 = 1 Interpretive Essay & Follow-Up
40 = 1 Analysis of Social Media History Post & Analysis of Social Media Lecture
5 = 1 Check-In (1) & Sample Test (4)
5 = Early Alert Unit 1 Analytical Paragraph
A: 225-250 (90%)
B: 200-224 (80%)
C: 150-199 (60%)
D: 125-149 (50%)
F: < 124
Attendance/Class Participation
The course is asynchronous. Regular and timely completion of work is expected of all students. If attendance or compliance with other course policies is unsatisfactory, the instructor may withdraw students from the class. The student is responsible for communicating with their professor during school closures and completing any assignments or other activities designated by their professor, including the Discussion Board essay post and follow-up. The student is responsible for communicating with their professor during any weather or pandemic-related closures and completing any assignments or other activities designated by their professor.
Withdrawal Policy
It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that his or her name is removed from the rolls should they decide to withdraw from the class. The instructor does, however, reserve the right to drop a student should he or she feel it is necessary. If a student decides to withdraw, he or she should also verify that the withdrawal is recorded before the Final Withdrawal Date. Check final withdrawal date for this semester on ACC’s website, in Blackboard on the calendar, or in the attached WORD syllabus. The student is also encouraged to keep any paperwork in case a problem arises.
Students are responsible for understanding the impact that withdrawal from a course may have on their financial aid, veterans’ benefits, and international student status. Per state law, students enrolling for the first time in Fall 2007 or later at any public Texas college or university may not withdraw (receive a “W”) from more than six courses during their undergraduate college education. Some exemptions for good cause could allow a student to withdraw from a course without having it count toward this limit. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with an adviser when making decisions about course selection, course loads, and course withdrawals.
Missed Exam and Late Work Policies
Any late work will incur a five-point penalty. No work will be accepted after the last day of the semester.
Students receiving an “I” may complete remaining course requirements and convert the I to a completion grade during following semester. The final date for conversion of spring and summer semester incompletes is the published final fall conversion date for Incompletes (see ACC’s website). Students must have completed 66% of the coursework already due to be eligible for an incomplete. Generally, incompletes require medical hardship, not general life circumstances. If an Incomplete is not resolved by the deadline, the grade automatically converts to an “F.”
Statements On Academic Integrity
College-wide: Austin Community College values academic integrity in the educational process. Acts of academic dishonesty/misconduct undermine the learning process, present a disadvantage to students who earn credit honestly, and subvert the academic mission of the institution. The potential consequences of fraudulent credentials raise additional concerns for individuals and communities beyond campus who rely on institutions of higher learning to certify students’ academic achievements, and expect to benefit from the claimed knowledge and skills of their graduates. Students must follow all instructions given by faculty or designated college representatives when taking examinations, placement assessments, tests, quizzes, and evaluations. Actions constituting scholastic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, collusion, falsifying documents, or the inappropriate use of the college’s information technology resources. Further information is available at
Course-Specific: Any cheating or collusion on exams or plagiarizing of written work will result in an automatic F for the course.
This will vary between sections.
Go to Blackboard > Start Here > Syllabus, Schedule, Course Grades.
The Blackboard Home Page also has the course due dates at the top.
Please note that schedule changes may occur during the semester. Any changes will be announced in class and posted as a Blackboard Announcement (or other resource faculty is using to communicate).