Executive Summary

ACC Chancellor Dr. Richard Rhodes

I write to you today filled with immense pride and admiration for the exceptional accomplishments we have achieved as a community at Austin Community College (ACC) over the past academic year. Together, we have made remarkable strides in our pursuit of excellence, and I am thrilled to share our achievements.

At ACC, our unwavering commitment to student success has always been at the forefront of our mission. Guided Pathways have been pivotal in transforming the educational experience of our students. By providing clear and structured academic roadmaps, we have empowered our students to navigate their educational journeys successfully. The intentional integration of support services, mentoring, and career exploration opportunities has resulted in increased awards earned, showcasing our students‘ commitment to excellence and the dedication of our faculty and staff.

The percentage of first-time-in-college (FTIC) students who transferred to a four‐year institution within three years of entry to ACC increased by two percentage points from 23% (2015 cohort) to 25% (2019 cohort). Through strategic partnerships with esteemed four-year institutions, we have facilitated seamless transitions for our students, ensuring their continued educational journeys without barriers. Our collaborative efforts have created a robust transfer support system, opening doors to prestigious universities and propelling our students towards their dreams.

Another key factor driving student success is the continued implementation of the ACC Academic Master Plan (AMP). The AMP has been our guiding light, illuminating our path toward educational excellence and innovation. Throughout the year, it has served as the catalyst for strategic initiatives, resource allocation, and collaborative partnerships. The remarkable progress we have achieved in curricular enhancements, faculty development, and technology integration can be attributed to the collective efforts of our passionate faculty, dedicated staff, and visionary administrators. Highlights for this year include the grand opening for the Make It Center, and the launch of the ACC AI Incubator Lab.

Career Academies, apprenticeships, and internships have thrived at ACC, offering hands-on experiences and industry-relevant skills. Through partnerships with local businesses, our students have gained invaluable real-world knowledge, preparing them for success in the workforce. The integration of rigorous coursework, internships, and mentorship opportunities has allowed our students to excel in their chosen fields and graduate as highly sought-after professionals.

Beyond academic success, our students have actively embraced their roles as compassionate and responsible citizens. Through their participation in service-learning initiatives, volunteer work, and community engagement, they have demonstrated their commitment to making a positive impact in our community. This harmonious blend of academic and community engagement exemplifies the holistic education we strive to provide at ACC.

Moreover, I am delighted to announce that our graduation rate has improved significantly over the past five years. This is a testament to our unwavering commitment to student success. Our dedicated faculty and staff have provided comprehensive academic support, personalized guidance, and targeted interventions, ensuring that our students overcome obstacles and achieve their academic goals.

To our faculty and staff, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to our students‘ success. Your passion and expertise have shaped the achievements we celebrate today.

To our exceptional students, I offer my warmest congratulations on your remarkable achievements. Your hard work, determination, and resilience have paid off, and your success is a testament to your unwavering commitment to education. As you move forward, remember that ACC will always be your home, supporting and championing you every step of the way.

In closing, let us celebrate these extraordinary accomplishments together. Our collective efforts have transformed lives, opened doors of opportunity, and strengthened our community. I am confident that our relentless pursuit of excellence will continue to shape the future and empower generations to come.

With great pride,

Dr. Richard M. Rhodes

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